WhatsApp became the most popular message application, with more than 2 billion users carrying unique wallpapers that are interesting for its users. And it brings custom chat wallpapers and a lot new updates.

Free international calls
WhatsApp uses a cellular connection or wi-fi your mobile to facilitate the delivery of messages and sounds to almost everyone on this planet, alone or in groups, and is very good for families and small collaborative working groups. This application allows you to make calls, and send and receive messages, documents, photos and videos. WhatsApp is completely free – without charge or subscription – because it uses a 5G, 4G, 3G, 2G, 3G cellphone, or wi-fi connection, not a minute or text package of your cell. If you are connected via wi-fi, it also won’t be eaten into your data package.
Popularity is supported by its support for free calls throughout the world, even if people chat not in the same country.
Like iPhone, WhatsApp has a simple interface that displays your chat in a complete text bubble with a timestamp and tells you when your recipient has seen your text.
Security or Privacy
WhatsApp has several advanced security features. It has end-to-tip encryption, just like the iMessage and Apple signal. All messages flow through the secured platform so that only the sender and receiver can see it. Means that Whatsapp can’t read your message even if you want. This application does not store your personal information, and only the person you agreed because the contact can send a message to you.

Updates Of 2020
New gossip in town about WhatsApp, that it has some recent updates to the application, which will carry upgrades to the Wallpapers, alongside the dispatch of a quest alternative for Stickers and another vivified sticker pack. Now you don’t need to find someone you like in your contact list. You can make unique wallpapers for special people. As indicated by an official delivery from the organization, Wallpapers on WhatsApp will get four significant updates.
These are custom talk backdrops, gossip in different doodle backdrops, a refreshed stock backdrop display, and the capacity to set different backgrounds for light and dull mode settings. Here are the subtleties.
Custom Chat
WhatsApp presents this where clients will choose to make their talks individual and discernable by putting a custom backdrop for significant visits. WhatsApp says the custom chat wallpapers backdrop will likewise assist clients with separating visits with their #1 individual such as relatives or dear companions. It means that you can change individual contacts or group chat in WhatsApp. It will also make a difference in your communications and effortlessly recognize the person. Personal connections can often be identified with this experience.

Custom chat wallpaper
With new updates like custom chat wallpapers, users can also find doodle wallpapers in more colours. WhatsApp is likewise adding new Doodle backdrops in more shading choices. Moreover, there are no new backdrops. WhatsApp says they have looked over further, various, and notorious pictures of nature and engineering worldwide, just as the eye getting new plans. WhatsApp brings doodle wallpapers in new colour options. There are also new wallpapers that are said to be “diverse” and include nature and iconic architectural images from around the world along with several new designs. This new wallpaper will be available in the ‘Bright’ and ‘Dark’ album.
Light and Dark Modes
At last, the application will likewise get independent light/dull mode backdrops. Clients will choose to set a different location in a dim mode for the best talk insight. The visit backdrop will naturally progress as the telephone gadget setting changes from light to limp mode.
Improvement in Stickers Search
WhatsApp says it is likewise improving Sticker Search. Clients would now be able to type or utilize emoticon to locate a specific sticker or peruse regular sticker classes. WhatsApp says it will urge sticker application makers to label their stickers with emoticons and text pushing ahead to make them effectively accessible for clients.

Together at Home
At last, WhatsApp is likewise adding another Animated World Health Organization (WHO) Sticker pack with the ‘Together at Home’ subject. WhatsApp says this pack has been one of the most mainstream sticker packs across WhatsApp application. It will arrive in an energized structure now. The sticker pack additionally accompanies text restricted for nine dialects, which are Arabic, French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
The latest updates come to WhatsApp globally for the next few days and will be available for Android and iPhone users. New users can download this application from the App Store for free; the other can update the existing version by replacing it with the latest and face wallpaper features.
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