With each generation passes, they often will assess the age before the age after them for their differences. Meanwhile, over the years, there is not much difference between the generations; with increasing advances in technology, generation is much different from those before them.
Invention of the Internet

One of the most significant factors in the gap between generations due to the invention of the Internet. Before the Internet, the standard method of long-distance communication was through letters and emails. Even after the telegraph and telephone, ordinary people still commonly used written mail as a form of communication—the discovery of this changing Internet. Now, people can communicate with people all over the world with ease. The message is received in seconds, not weeks. What’s worse is that this high speed of communication has led youth to become impatient because they are used to what is happening in front of them occur in an instant. The Internet has become part of the younger generation’s culture to never for parents and our grandparents.
Explosion of Social Media
The explosion of social media has caused this split to become larger. Rather than go outside to play, the children spend their time posting pictures and create a post for their friends to see, rather than go out to ride their bikes and playing tag. They were not at their feet, exercise such as children should, but sit inside. For them, popularity and fame have become what is most important. They are growing faster than their parents and losing out on their childhood. This makes it difficult for parents to connect with their children since their youth experiences are much different.

Effect on Children
Children spend so much time looking at the screen, rather than looking at real people, who have had a significant impact on how children function in the world. Children tend to be more patient, perhaps because everything happens almost instantly on the Internet. When kids are bored, they are more likely to misbehave. It is common to see children throwing temper when they do not want to be there in the store.
Make this worse, parents, rather than disciplining their children, often give their children their mobile phone or another device to keep the children content.
Interaction in Society
Children also do not learn how to interact with the people around them appropriately, causing them to struggle with talking to each other and work together. They often communicate by talking to each other through text messages and over their headsets. It causes the children not to learn how to read facial expressions and body language and if they were talking face to face.

Finally, technology has been associated with increased fatigue, stress, and depression in young people. Children do not receive the love that they need to feel from their parents. The family was on the television and the phone screen on the food, rather than talking to each other. Children lock themselves in their rooms using social media rather than spend time with their parents and siblings. This causes children to miss a large part of social and emotional development, causing many children to become anxious and depressed. Children also disrupt the cycle of melatonin to see t artificial light source when they use their devices late at night before bed.
Technology has also Made Life Convenient
It’s a shame that young people do not have the same experience with their parents and grandparents. While technology has made many parts of life more convenient, it comes at a high price. As more and more children are born into a life where the technology has been there from the beginning, the problems arising from using this technology are likely to become much more prominent and visible to anyone born before the modern technology boom. Unfortunately, there are many ways to universal fix this problem. It is the young generation’s parents to try to keep their children away from addiction to technology that many of their colleagues suffer. Until then, the children will continue to deviate further and further away from their older family members, and more people will suffer at the hands of technology.