• How to configure and Manage the Quorum in Failover Clustering

    How to configure and Manage the Quorum in Failover Clustering

    This blog, we will configure a basic 2-node cluster (Share Quorum Failover Cluster Configuring), where we have two servers (SRV2019-1 and SRV2019-2) running Windows Server 2019 and a Windows Server 2019 Domain controller (SRV2019-DC). It also assumes that SRV2019-1 and SRV2019-2 will communicate with each other over two network connections; I have labeled Primary and Cluster.

    Add the Failover Clustering feature on both of the servers you need to add to the cluster.

    Open the Server Manager Dashboard and choose Add roles and features.

    1- User the Following PowerShell command to enable failover clustering and management Toole Node1 (SRV2019-1)

    Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering –IncludeManagementTools

    enable failover cluster powershell command

    Adding the Failover Clustering Feature in Node2 (SRV2019-2).

    2- Open server manager, dashboard and then click Add roles and features.

    server manager dashboard 2019

    3- Click Next.

    server 2019 add roles and features wizard

    4- Select the role-based or feature-based installation option and then click on next.

    add roles based or feature based

    5- Select a server from the server pool on which you want to enable the failover cluster feature and then click next.

    server 2019 server selection

    6- Server Roles page so click next.

    server roles and features

    7- On the Features, page selects the Failover Clustering box.

    install failover cluster features server 2019

    8- Click Add feature the feature required for the Cluster.

    server 2019 add feature

    9- After adding Failover Clustering features so click next.

    install failover cluster features

    10- Click Install to start the installation.

    server 2019 confirm installation

    11- Failover cluster installation completed and then click Close.

    server 2019 installation selection

    After enabling the Failover Cluster on both servers (SRV2019-1 and SRV2019-2), on your SRV2019-1

    Share Quorum Failover Cluster Validate Configuring

    12- Open server manager, select tools and then select Failover Cluster Manager.

    server manager 2019

    13- After opening Failover Cluster Manager under the action menu click on Validate Configuration.

    failover cluster manager 2019

    14- Validate a Configuration Wizard open and then click next.

    validation configuration wizard

    15- Select Servers or Cluster options and click the Browse button.

    validation select servers or cluster

    16- Select the servers you want to cluster so, in my setup I selected (SRV2019-1 and SRV2019-2).

    enter the object name to select

    17- After selecting Servers, click on next.

    validation select servers or cluster

    18- Select Run all tests (recommended) and then click next.

    cluster validation testing options

    19- Cluster validate confirmation so click next.

    cluster validation confirmation

    20- Now default Running Process.

    cluster validating

    21- Summary options, so click View Report.

    cluster validation summary

    22- Click close and then click Finish.

    failover cluster validation report

    Failover Cluster Configuration

    23- Once Validation completed, Select Create Cluster.

    failover cluster manager 2019

    24- Click Next.

    create cluster wizard

    25- Click the Browse button.

    create cluster select servers 2019

    26- Type both node names and click check names and then click ok.

    enter the object names to select

    27- After selecting nodes so click next.

    create cluster select servers 2019

    28- Type your cluster name in the cluster name box (XTCLUSTER) and pick an IP address that will be associated with this name in DNS. This name is to manage your cluster Once you create this access point a new computer object will be created in AD with this name and a DNS A record will be created with this name and IP address and click next.

    access point for administering the cluster

    29- On the confirmation screen you’ll see the name of the cluster and two nodes and IP address you chose and uncheck Add all eligible storage to the cluster and then click on next.

    create cluster wizard confirmation

    30- You have successfully completed the create cluster wizard, now click View Report to check out any warnings.

    create cluster wizard summary

    31- There may be some warnings. In my case, the warnings are probably related to the quorum configuration.

    create cluster wizard view report

    We have no shared storage; we’ll not be employing a Node and Disk Majority quorum as suggested. Instead, we’ll use and Node and File Share Majority quorum.

    A File Share Witness (Share Quorum Failover Cluster Configuring) must be configured on a server that’s not a part of the cluster. A file share witness may be a basic file share that the cluster computer name (XTCLUSTER in my step) has read/write access. I’m getting to create a file share on my SRV2019-DC and provides XTCLUSTER read/write access thereto.

    Share Disk Configuration

    32- Open server manager in SRV2019-DC, Left side select file and storage services and select shares under volume click tasks and then click New Share.

    file and storage sevices

    33- Select share profile (SMB share quick) and then click next.

    smb share quick

    34- Share Location, select by volume and then click Next.

    smb share location select volume

    35- Type a share name, share descriptions and then click next.

    smb file share specify share name

    36- Under other settings, uncheck Allow caching of share and click Next.

    smb file configure share settings

    37- In Permissions options select customize permissions.

    smb file share customize permissions

    38- Advanced Security Settings for FSW, click Add button.

    advanced security settings

    39- Click on select a principal.

    permission enter for share

    40- Select Object Types.

    enter the object name or select

    41- Check Computers under object types and click next.

    enter the object name type

    42- Type your cluster name in my case (XTCLUSTER) click check names and click ok.

    enter the object name to

    43- Under Basic permissions, check Modify box and click ok.

    permission entry basic

    44- Select the Share tab and click the Add button.

    advanced security settings

    45- Click Select a principal.

    permission entry basic

    46- Select Object Types.

    enter the object name to

    47- Check the computers box and click ok.

    enter the object name types

    48- Type your Cluster name, click check names and click ok.

    enter the object name to

    49- Under Permissions, check change and click ok

    permission entry for share

    50- Click Apply and click ok.

    advanced security settings share

    51- Click Next.

    specify permissions to control access

    52- Read the confirmation summary and click Create.

    smb file share confirmation

    53- The share was successfully created, click Close.

    smb share successfully created

    54- Now the file share created on SRV2019-DC, Go back to your SRV2019-1 right-click XTCLUSTER.xpertstec.local and Select More Actions and select configure cluster quorum settings.

    Configure Cluster Quorum Settings

    failover cluster manager 2019

    55- Configure Cluster Quorum Wizard windows will pop up, click next.

    configure cluster quorum wizard

    56- Select the quorum witness option and click on next.

    configure cluster quorum witness

    57- Select configure a file share witness options and click on next.

    select quorum witness

    58- Click the Browse button.

    quorum file share witness

    59- Type FWS name and click the Browse button.

    quorum browse for file share

    60- Type quorum shared server name, click check names, click ok and ok again.

    enter the object name to

    61- Click Next.

    configure fileover cluster quorum

    62- Click Next.

    configure failover cluster quorum settings

    63- Review the cluster summary and click Finish.

    configure cluster quorum summary

    64- Now Current Host Server Node1 is SRV2019-1.

    failover cluster manager

    65- After testing Current Host Server Node2 is SRV2019-2.

    failover cluster manager 2019

    For more details click here

  • How to Configure Network Load Balancing 2019

    How to Configure Network Load Balancing 2019

    High availability is one of the main key points to supply continued services. In lately, everyone wants the specified services on-demand. Organizations use different technologies and solutions to supply high availability and redundancy. Network Load Balancing (NLB) is one of the foremost popular high availability and redundancy features utilized in Windows Server 2019 based networks.

    Setup Details.


    IP Address:


    NLB Node1

    IP Address:


    NLB Node2

    IP Address:

    NLB IP Address

    Installing the Network Load Balancing Feature on NLB nodes (SRV2019-1, SRV2019-2)

    1- Install using power shell command or follow the below steps to enable NLB.

    Install-windowsfeature NLB,RSAT-NLB

    enable network load balancing powershell command

    2- IIS Web Server

    Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

    enable network load balancing powershell command

    Network Load Balancing Server 2019

    3- On SRV2019-1 Open server manager and then select Add roles and features.

    server manager 2019

    4- Then click Next

    add roles and features wizard

    5- Click Next.

    add role based or feature base

    6- Select SRV2019-1 from the server pool and then click Next.

    server 2019 server selection

    7- Check the WEB Server (IIS) roles box.

    server role web server iis

    8- Click Add feature.

    server 2019 add features

    9- After selecting the Web Server (IIS) server role so click next.

    server roles web server iis

    10- Check the Network Load Balancing box.

    enable network load balancing sever 2019

    11- Click Add features.

    add feature for the required server 2019

    12- After selecting the Network Load Balancing feature so click next.

    enable network load balancing server 2019

    13- Click Next.

    install iis sever 2019

    14- Click Next.

    enable iis server features

    15- Click Install.

    server 2019 confirm installation

    Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server 2019 After installing the Network Load Balancing feature on all the participating NLB nodes, the subsequent step is to configure Network Load Balancing. For this, you would like to perform the subsequent steps.

    Create a New Cluster

    16- On the Server Manager console of the SRV2019-1 NLB node, click Tools and then choose Network Load Balancing Manager.

    windows server 2019 dashboard

    17- Right-click Network Load Balancing Clustering and then choose New Cluster.

    network load balancing manager

    18- On the New Cluster: Connect panel, type SRV2019-1.xpertstec.local (or IP Address) in the Host field then click Connect. Verify that the Interface name is listed then click next.

    creating network load balancing

    19- On the New Cluster, set the priority (unique host identifier) value 1. This NLB node will reply to the clients’ queries, first, also ensure that the default status has set as Started and click next.

    network load balancing host parameters

    20- Click the Add button to add a new Cluster IP address.

    create new cluster network load balancing

    Note: The Cluster IP address is that the new virtual IP address on which the host service, during this case, IIS will run.

    21- Type Cluster IP Address such as and click ok.

    network load balancing ip address

    22- Then click Next.

    network load balancing cluster ip address

    23- Select a cluster operation mode, Unicast and then click next.

    network load balancing cluster parameters

    24- So click Finish.

    network load balancing port rule

    25- Wait until the SRV2019-1 NLB node is added successfully. The Icon Color of the added NLB node should be green.

    network load balancing manager

    Network Load Balancing add the host to a cluster

    26- Right-click on Cluster name and then select Add Host to Cluster.

    network load balancing manager 2019

    27- Connect dialog box, type SRV2019-2, and then click Connect to add one more NLB node.

    network load balancing connection status

    Important: If you get the Host unreachable error while connecting SRV2019-2 as the NLB node, move on to SRV2019-2 and open the Network Load Balancing Manager console. Repeat the same steps as you used to add the DC1 NLB node.

    28- On the Add Host to Cluster: Host Parameters dialog box, set the priority value as 2 and proceed to next.

    network load balancing host parameters

    29- Click Finish.

    network load balancing port rules

    30- Finally, verify that the second NLB node SRV2019-1 is added successfully.

    network load balancing manager

    Configuring Default Website to Test the NLB Configuration

    To test the NLB cluster, use an NLB-Aware application like the IIS service role with the Cluster IP address. Hence, we’ll use the Default Website on NLB node1 (SRV2019-1) and NLB node2 (SRV2019-2). the web site is going to be mapped with the cluster IP address “”. To do so, first, you would like to perform the subsequent steps on SRV2019-1 (NLB node1).

    31-Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console.

    Expand the Sites node, select and right-click the Default internet site.

    Select Add the Virtual Directory

    iis web server manager

    32- In the Alias box, type a name. In the Physical path box, type \\SRV2019-1\C$\Intetpub\wwwroot\ and click ok.

    web server add virtual directory

    We need to add the same shared directory on both the NLB nodes so the same content can be displayed when an NLB node from the configured NLB cluster is failed.

    33- Double-click Directory Browsing.

    iis manager

    34- Click Enable.

    iis manager directory browsing

    35- Right-click Default Web Site, select Manage Website and then select Restart.

    iis manager manage website restart

    36- Close the web Information Services (IIS) Manager window.

    Repeat the same steps to activate the Default Website on SRV2019-2 NLB node.

    iis manager add virtual directory

    Optionally, if you would like to access the web site through the hostname like www.xpertstec.local, add the www DNS host record with the ten .0.0.100 IP address.

    Verifying Network Load Balancing Configuration

    To verify that your NLB Cluster is configured successfully and functioning properly, perform the subsequent steps.

    37- Type within the Internet Explorer and verify that you simply are ready to access the Default Webs

    iis windows server welcome

    Close Internet Explorer. On the SRV2019-1 node.

    38- open the Network Load Balancing Manager window, select and right-click SRV2019-1(Ethernet), select Control Host and then select Stop to stop this node temporarily.

    network load balance manager

    39- Switch back to SRV2019-DC and try again to open the Default Website. the Default Website should still be displayed. However, this time, the SRV2019-2 NLB node will serve the Website.

    iis windows server welcome

    For more details click here

  • How to create a Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2019 step by step.

    How to create a Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2019 step by step.

    In this blog, we’ll learn the skill to make a Microsoft Windows Failover Cluster with Windows Server 2019. The environment may be a two-node cluster with one shared disk.

    Environment details:




    Primary –

    Cluster –


    Primary :


    iSCSI Storage :

    Cluster Name – XTCLUSTER

    Cluster IP Address –

    1- Before we start, make sure you meet the following prerequisites:
    I have 2 Windows Server 2019 machines with the latest updates installed. The machines have at least two network interfaces, I rename them Primary and Cluster.

    network connections

    Join both servers to your Microsoft Active Directory domain and confirm that both servers see the shared memory device available in disk management. So, don’t bring the disk online yet.

    2- User the Following PowerShell command to enable failover clustering and management Toole 1 Node (SRV2019-1)

    Install-WindowsFeature -Name Failover-Clustering –IncludeManagementTools

    enable failover cluster powershell command

    Failover Cluster Server 2019

    Enabling Failover Manager Feature in 2 Node (SRV2019-2).

    3- Open Server Manage select dashboard and then click on ADD Roles and Features.

    server manager 2019

    4- So, click Next.

    add roles and feature wizard

    5- Click Role-based or feature-based installation and then click Next.

    add roles based or feature based

    6- Select a server from the server pool and then click next.

    server 2019 server selections

    7- So, click Next.

    server 2019 roles and features

    8- Select Failover clustering.

    install failover cluster features server 2019

    9- Click Add features.

    server 2019 add features

    10- After enabling the failover clustering feature so, click next.

    install failover cluster features windows server 2019

    11- Then click Install.

    server 2019 confirm installation

    12- Successfully enable the Failover cluster feature so, click Close.

    server 2019 installation progress

    13- After a successful installation, it appears in the Server Manager, click Tools, and then Failover Cluster Manager.

    server manager 2019

    After you installed the Failover Clustering feature so, you can bring the shared disk online and format it on one of the servers 1 Node (SRV2019-1).

    The following steps are performed on the 1 Node (SRV2019-1).

    14- In Server Manager click Tools and then click Computer Management.

    server manager 2019

    15- Click on Disk Management.

    ou will see disk 1 which is in offline status right click on disk 1 and then select Online.

    disk management online

    16- Right-click on disk 1 and click Initialize Disk.

    disk management initialize disk

    17- Click OK.

    disk to gpt or mbr

    18- Right-click on unallocated disk 1 and select New Simple Volume.

    computer management disk unallocated

    19- Click Next.

    new simple volume wizard

    20- Click Next.

    simple volume wizard disk size

    21- Assign a drive letter and click Next.

    simple volume wizard drive letter

    22- Type a volume label and click next.

    simple volume wizard format partition

    23- Click Finish.

    simple volume wizard finish

    24- 1 Node (SRV2019-1) Disk Management (disk status online)

    disk management

    25- Please Don’t change anything on the 2nd Node (SRV2019-2), the disk stays offline. 2ND Node (SRV2019-2) Disk Management (disk status offline).

    disk management

    Failover Cluster readiness check-in 1 Node (SRV2019-1).

    Before we create the cluster, we’d like to form sure that everything is about up properly.

    26- In Server Manager click Tools and Click Failover Cluster Manager.

    server manager 2019

    27- Under Action menu click Validate Configuration.

    failover cluster manager 2019

    28- Click Next.

    validation configuration wizard

    29- Select the browse button.

    validation select servers or cluster

    30- Type both the Nodes name, click check name and click ok.

    enter the object names to

    31- After Selecting the two-node servers for validation, click next.

    validation select servers or cluster

    32- Select Run all tests (recommended) and click next.

    cluster validation testing options

    33- Review the validate configuration confirmation and click next.

    cluster validation confirmation

    34- Cluster validation testing is in progress.

    cluster validation in progress

    35- After you make sure that every applicable test passed with the status successful. If you have any errors or warnings, you can use the detailed report by clicking on View Report and click Finish.

    cluster validation summary

    Create a Failover Cluster Server 2019

    36- Under Action Menu so, select Create Cluster.

    failover cluster manager 2019

    37- Click Next.

    create cluster wizard

    38- Click the browse button.

    create cluster select servers

    39- Type both the node names, click check names and click ok.

    enter the object names to

    40- Both the servers nodes selected, click next.

    create cluster select servers

    41- Type a Cluster name, select the IP address and click next.

    access point for administering the cluster

    42- As a last step, confirm everything, click next and wait for the cluster to be created.

    create cluster wizard confirmation

    43- Cluster setup successfully completed and click Finish.

    create cluster wizard summary

    44- The wizard will add the shared disk automatically to the cluster per default. If you did not configure it yet, then it is also possible afterward. As a result, you can see a new Active Directory computer object named XTCLUSTER.

    active directory users and computers

    45- You can ping the new computer to check whether it is online (if you allow ping on the Windows firewall).

    command prompt

    As an alternative, you’ll create the cluster also with PowerShell. the subsequent command also will add all eligible storage automatically:

    New-Cluster -Name XTCLUSTER -Node SRV2019-1, SRV2019-2 -StaticAddress

    46- Both the Nodes are up now.

    failover cluster manager

    47- You can see the result in the Failover Cluster Manager in the Nodes and Storage under Disks sections.

    failover cluster manager disks

    For more information click here

    How to Configure Network Load Balancing In Windows Server 2019.

  • Windows Server 2012 Failover Clustering iSCSI target step by step.

    Windows Server 2012 Failover Clustering iSCSI target step by step.

    In this blog, I will configure iSCSI SAN which is a feature in Windows 2012, after setting up iSCSI SAN I will create a 2 Node Failover clustering in Windows 2012 accessing the shared iSCSI SAN.

    Server 2012 Failover Clustering iSCSI

    Environment Details.



    iSCSI (Server2012)


    Server-1 (Node1)



    Server-1 (Node2)




    First, we’d like to put in and Configure target iSCSI server in Windows Server 2012 (iSCSI – Server2012)

    How to install and Configure iSCSI SAN in Server 2012 Click Here

    How to Add Failover Manager Feature and iSCSI virtual disk to first Node (Server-1).

    1- Open Server Manage, left side select dashboard and click on ADD Roles and Features.

    server manager dashboard 2012

    2- Click Next.

    add roles and features wizard

    3- Click Role-based or feature-based installation and then click Next.

    role based or feature based installation

    4- Select a server from the server pool and click on next.

    server 2012 server selection

    5- Click the Application Serve role and click next.

    server roles application sever

    6- Select the Failover clustering box.

    install failover clustering feature server 2012

    7- Click Add features.

    server 2012 add required features

    8- After enabling the failover clustering feature, click next.

    install failover clustering features

    9- Application Server feature, click next.

    server roles application server 2012

    10- Click Next.

    server roles distributed transactions

    11- Click Install.

    server 2012 confirm installation

    12- Successfully enable the failover cluster feature, click Close.

    server 2012 installation selections

    Adding the Virtual Disk.

    13- Open Server Manager, click Tools and Click iSCSI initiator.

    server manager dashboard 2012

    14- Type the IP address or Name of the Target iSCSI server (my iSCSI target server IP is and click Quick Connect.

    iscsi initiator properties

    15- Click on all the inactive disks and click connect.

    iscsi initiator properties quick connect

    16- After all the disk is connected, click Done.

    iscsi initiator properties connect

    17- Click OK.

    iscsi initiator properties discovered targets

    Adding Failover Manager Feature and iSCSI virtual disk to 2 Node (Server-2).

    Follow all the steps (from 1 to 17) the same as 1 Node (Server-1).

    18- After successfully added the disk and connected.

    server manager local server

    Initializing the Disk and Formatting

    Note: If you are working on a Failover cluster the following steps need to be performed only on a Single Node of the cluster.

    The following steps are performed on the 1 Node (Server-1).

    19- In Server Manager click Tools and click Computer Management.

    server manager tools 2012

    20- Click on Disk Management.

    In Computer Management You will see 2 disk’s which we added using iSCSI initiator as Unknown and offline status.

    disk management

    21- Right-click on each disk and select Online.

    disk management online

    22- Right-click on disk and click Initialize Disk.

    disk management initialize disk

    23- Select both the disks and click ok.

    disk to gpt or mbr

    24- Now both the Disk are online and Unallocated.

    disk management

    25- Right-click on the unallocated disk and select New Simple Volume.

    computer management disk unallocated

    26- Click Next.

    new simple volume wizard

    27- Click Next.

    simple volume wizard size

    28- Assign a drive letter and click next.

    simple volume wizard drive letter

    29- Type a volume label and click next.

    simple volume wizard format partition

    30- Click Finish.

    simple volume wizard finish

    Follow the same steps (from 25 to 30) for the 2nd disk (QUORUM).

    31- Now both the disks are online and healthy.

    disk management

    The next step is to log in to 2 Node (Server-2).

    Open Computer Management and click Disk Management.

    Note:  Disks are offline and unallocated status.

    32- Right-click and bring the disk online.

    disk management

    33- You will notice that disk are online with assigned drive letters and volume name.

    disk management

    34- Right-click on each disk and select offline on both the Nodes (Server-1 and Server-2)

    disk management offline

    35- Now both the disks are offline.

    disk management offline disks


    I am logged in on 1 Node (Server-1) with domain Administrative rights.

    36- Open Server Manager > select tools and then click Failover Cluster Manager.

    server manager tools 2012 failover cluster manager

    37- Click Validate configuration.

    failover cluster manager 2012

    38- Click Next.

    validation configuration wizard

    39- Click the Browse button.

    validation select servers or cluster

    40- Type node names, click check names and then click ok.

    enter the object names to select

    41- After selecting both the servers, so click next.

    validation select servers or cluster

    42- Select Run all tests (Recommended) and then click next.

    failover cluster validation testing options

    43- Click Next.

    failover cluster validation confirmation

    Make sure all the Failover Cluster Validation testing completes with no errors.

    44- leave the Checkbox selected to create the cluster now using the validated nodes and then click Finish it will start the cluster creation wizard.

    failover cluster validation summary

    45- Click Next.

    create failover cluster wizard

    46- Click the Browse button.

    create failover cluster wizard select servers

    47- Type server names, click check names and then click ok.

    enter the object names to select

    48- Type a Cluster Name and IP address and then click next.

    access point for administering the failover cluster

    49- Leave the Checkbox to add all storage to Cluster and then click next.

    create failover cluster wizard confirmation

    50- Default Running Process.

    create failover cluster wizard creating

    51- Failover cluster Successfully completed, so click Close.

    create failover cluster wizard summary

    Quorum Settings.

    52- When creating a cluster, depending on the number of Nodes it automatically picks the correct quorum settings and then disk.

    failover cluster manager

    53- If you need to change settings, right-click cluster, more action select configure cluster quorum settings.

    failover cluster manager

    We have successfully created the Failover Cluster, let’s test the Failover.

    54- Active Node (Server-1) before Failover.

    failover cluster manager 2012

    55- Active Node (Server-2) after Failover.

    We have successfully tested the Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2012.

    failover cluster manager

    For more details click here

  • Installing and Configuring target iSCSI server in Windows Server 2012.

    Installing and Configuring target iSCSI server in Windows Server 2012.

    Installing and Configuring target iSCSI server in Windows Server 2012

    Installing and Configuring Target iSCSI Server 2012

    1- Open Server Manager, click Dashboard and then select Add Roles and features.

    server manager dashboard 2012

    2- Click Next.

    add roles and features wizard

    3- Select the Role-based or feature-based installation and then click on the Next button.

    add role based or feature based

    4- Select a server from the server pool and then click on next.

    server 2012 server selection

    5- Select the iSCSI Target Server box.

    roles iscsi target server 2012

    6- Click Add Features.

    add required features

    7- After Selecting the iSCSI target server feature and then click next.

    server 2012 roles iscsi target

    8- Click Next.

    server roles and features

    9- Click Install.

    server roles and features

    10- iSCSI services successfully installed, so click Close.

    server 2012 installation selections

    11- Open Server Manager and then click File and Storage Services.

    server manager dashboard

    12- Click iSCSI and under iSCSI Virtual Disks click Tasks and then click New iSCSI Virtual Disk.

    file and storage services

    13- Select a volume and click next.

    iscsi virtual disk wizard

    14- Type an iSCSI virtual disk name and click next.

    iscsi virtual disk name

    15- Select a Size for the disk in GB and click next.

    iscsi virtual disk size

    16- Select New iSCSI target and click next.

    iscsi virtual disk wizard iscsi target

    17- Target servers will identify the disk with this Name, so Type a Name, description and click next.

    iscsi target name and access

    18- Click Add we need to Add all the Servers which will be accessing this disk.

    iscsi virtual access servers

    Note: Make sure on the target server you have enabled the iSCSI initiator service.

    19- Click the Browse button.

    query initiator iscsi

    20- Type a node server name, select check names and click ok.

    enter the object name to select

    21- Add all the server you want the disk to have access, I have added both the servers (Server-1 and Server-2) and click next.

    iscsi virtual access server

    22- Enable any authentication if you need and click next.

    iscsi wizard authentication

    23- Confirm the iSCSI virtual disk settings and click Create.

    iscsi wizard confirmation

    24- Virtual Disk created successfully, click Close.

    iscsi target wizard results

    25- Please follow the above steps from (1 to 24) to add one more disk name Quorum.

    file and storage services iscsi target

    For more details click here

  • How to create a Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2012 step by step.

    How to create a Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2012 step by step.

    In this blog, we’ll configure a basic 2-node Failover Cluster Server 2012, where we’ve two servers (Server2012-1 and Server2012-2) running Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 Active Directory Domain controller (Server2012-DC). It also assumes that Server2012-1 and Server2012-2 will communicate with one another over two network connections, I even have labeled Ethernet and Private

    Failover Cluster Server 2012

    Add the Failover Clustering feature on both of the servers you would like to feature to the cluster.

    1- Open the Server Manager Dashboard and choose Add roles and features. (You got to add failover cluster feature to completed on both Server2012-1 and Server2012-2).

    server manager dashboard

    2- Click Next.

    add roles and features wizard

    3- Select the role-based or feature-based installation and click on next.

    add role based or feature based

    4- Select a server from the server pool on which you would like to enable the failover cluster feature and click on next.

    server 2012 server selection

    5- Server roles page, click next.

    server roles and features

    6- On the features, page select the Failover Clustering box.

    install failover cluster features server 2012

    7- Select the Add feature button the feature required for the Cluster.

    server 2012 add required features

    8- After adding Failover Cluster Server 2012 features, click next.

    install failover cluster features

    9- Click the Install button to start out the failover cluster installation.

    server 2012 confirm installation

    10- Windows server 2012 cluster role successfully Installed, click Close.

    server 2012 installation selections

    11- After enabling Failover Cluster on both servers (Server2012-1 and Server2012-2), on your Server2012-1 open server manager, select tools and choose Failover Cluster Manager.

    sever manager dashboard

    Failover Cluster Validation Configuration

    12- After opening the Failover Cluster Manager under management-click on Validate Configuration option.

    failover cluster manager

    13- Cluster validate a configuration wizard windows will pop up, click next.

    failover cluster validation configuration wizard

    14- Select servers or cluster options and click on the Browse button.

    validation select servers or cluster

    15- Select the servers you would like to cluster, in my setup I selected (Server2012-1 and Server2012-2) and click on ok.

    enter the object names to select

    16- After selecting servers, click next.

    failover cluster validation select servers or cluster

    17- Select run all tests (recommended) and click on next.

    cluster validation testing options

    18- Failover cluster validate confirmation, click next.

    cluster validation confirmation

    19- Failover cluster validation summary, click View Report.

    failover cluster validation summary

    20- you’ll see all of your warnings are associated with storage, because I even have not configured any shared storage.

    failover cluster validation report

    Failover Cluster Configuration

    21- Once the Validation checking completed, create cluster wizard will automatically open, click next.

    create cluster wizard 2012

    22- Type your cluster name in the cluster name option (XTCLUSTER) and pick an IP address that will be related to this name in DNS. This name is to manage your cluster Once you create this access point a replacement computer object is going to be created in AD with this name and a DNS A record are going to be created with this name and IP address and click on next.

    access point for administering the cluster

    23- On the confirmation screen you’ll see the name of the cluster and two nodes and IP address you chose. Uncheck Add all eligible storage to the cluster and click on next.

    create cluster wizard confirmation

    24- you’ve got successfully completed the create cluster wizard, click View report back to inspect any warnings.

    create failover cluster wizard summary

    25- There could also be some warnings. In my case, the warnings are probably associated with the quorum configuration.

    create failover cluster wizard view

    We have no shared storage; we’ll not be employing a Node and Disk Majority quorum as suggested. Instead, we’ll use and Node and File Share Majority quorum.

    A File Share Witness must be configured on a server that’s not a part of the cluster. A file share witness may be a basic file share that the cluster computer name (XTCLUSTER in my step) has read/write access. I’m getting to create a file share on my Server2012-DC and provides XTCLUSTER read/write access thereto.

    Configure File Share Witness

    26- Open server manager in Server2012-DC, Left side select file and storage services and choose shares under volume click tasks and click on New Share.

    file and storage services

    27- Select share profile SMB share quick and click on next.

    smb share quick

    28- Select the server and path for SMB share and click on next.

    smb share location select volume

    29- Type-A share name and share descriptions and click on next.

    smb file share specify share name

    30- Under other settings, uncheck Allow caching of share and click on next.

    smb file configure share settings

    31- Specify permissions to regulate access, click on customize permissions.

    smb file share customize permissions

    File Share Permission

    32- Advanced security settings for share (FSW), click Add button.

    advanced security settings

    33- Click on Select a principal.

    permission entry for share

    34- Select Object Types.

    enter the object name to select

    35- Check the computers box under object types and click on next.

    enter the object name type

    36- Type your cluster name in my case (XTCLUSTER), click check names and click on ok.

    enter the object name to select

    37- Under basic permissions check to Modify box and then click on ok.

    permission entry basic
    advanced security settings

    39- In advanced security settings, select the share tab and then click on the Add button.

    advanced security settings

    40- Select object types.

    enter the object name to select

    41- Check the computer box and then click on ok.

    enter the object name type

    42- Type your Cluster name, click Check Names and then click on ok.

    enter the object name to select

    43- Click Apply and then ok button.

    advanced security settings share

    44- Read the share SMB confirmation summary and then click on Create.

    smb file share confirmation

    45- The SMB share was successfully created, so click Close.

    smb share successfully results

    46- To configure Cluster Quorum share created on Server2012-DC, return to your Server2012-1 right-click XTCLUSTER.xpertstec.local and choose more actions and choose to configure cluster quorum settings.

    failover cluster manager 2012

    47- In configure cluster quorum wizard, so click next.

    configure cluster quorum wizard

    48- Select add or change the quorum witness option and then click on next.

    add or change quorum witness

    49- Select configure a file share witness (recommended for special configurations) and then click on next.

    select quorum witness

    50- Click the Browse button and choose the trail of the file share witness that we created on the Server2012-DC and then click on next.

    configure failover cluster quorum

    51- In configure cluster quorum wizard, so click next.

    configure failover cluster quorum

    52- Review the configure cluster quorum settings summary and then click on Finish.

    configure failover cluster quorum summary

    For more information click here

  • Configuring Network Load Balancing (NLB) for a Windows 2012

    Configuring Network Load Balancing (NLB) for a Windows 2012

    In this blog, we’ll configure Network Load Balancing (NLB), where we’ve two servers (Server-1 and Server-2) running Windows Server 2012 and a Windows Server 2012 Domain controller (Server2012-DC). It also assumes that Server-1 and Server-2 will communicate with one another over two network connections I even have labeled Ethernet and NLB.

    Servers IP Address.

    Server2012-DC –  


                            Ethernet0 –

                            NLB – 


                           Ethernet0 –

                           NLB –  

    Cluster IP –                  

    Network Load Balancing Process

    1- On Server-1 open server manager and choose Add roles and features.

    windows server manager 2012

    2- Click Next.

    add roles and features wizard

    3- Select the role-based or feature-based installation and click on next.

    add role based or feature based

    4- Select a server from the server pool and click on next.

    server 2012 server selection

    5- Server Roles, click next.

    active directory server roles

    6- Select the Features Network Load Balancing.

    install network load balancing server 2012

    7- Select Add feature.

    add features for the required

    8- After selecting Network Load Balancing, click next.

    enable network load balancing feature

    9- Confirm installation selections and click on Install.

    server 2012 confirm installation

    10- Select the close button after completing the network load balancing installation.

    server 2012 installation progress

    Repeat an equivalent steps 1 to 10 for server-2 to enable feature network load balancing

    11- After this, I check out my NIC’s most vital that we use two NIC’s in Servers.

    I gave Nic’s an IP that’s not within the same subnet because of the production LAN, and also you’ll use a special VLAN for the NLB tropic.

    NLB Server-1

    internet protocol properties

    12- I rename them one is Ethernet and therefore the other is NLB.

    network connection

    13- In server-1 open server manager, click tools and choose the Network Load Balancing Manager.

    windows server 2012 dashboard

    New Cluster Setup

    14- After opening the Network Load Balancing Manager, right-click on network load balancing cluster and choose the new cluster

    network load balancing manger

    15- In host Type, the IP address of the primary NLB Server-1 ( click connect.

    There are two IP Addresses, one is for Ethernet0 IP and One is for NLB IP Address, click next.

    creating network load balancing

    16- Click Next.

    network load balancing host parameters

    17- Now we will create the cluster IP select Add button.

    create new cluster network load balancing

    18- Type the IP address which will be used for the Cluster NLB and click on ok.

    network load balancing ip address

    19- Click Next.

    network load balancing cluster ip address

    20- you’ll use multiple IP Addresses the add the NLB, that way you’ll run multi-sites on one NLB management but all on different IP Addresses / FQDN names / DNS. And on different ports. Or settings.

    Now I select an FQDN for the NLB cluster name (xpertstec.local) and under cluster operation mode select Unicast and click on next.

    network load balancing cluster operation mode

    21- Click Finish.

    network load balancing port rules

    22- Uncheck All box.

    configure nlb server 2012 port rule

    23- After selecting cluster IP Address under port range select from 80 to 80 just the ports that we’d like and click on ok.

    nlb server 2012 port rule

    24- Now the cluster is prepared (one node).

    network load balancing manager

    25- Right-click your cluster (xpertstec.local) and choose Cluster Properties.

    network load balancing manager

    26- Select the cluster IP Address option and click on Add.

    nlb cluster properties

    27- I added a second IP to the cluster and click on ok.

    nlb add cluster ip address

    network load balancing cluster ip address

    29- Select Port Rules and click on the Add button.

    network load balancing port rules

    30- Uncheck All and sort the second IP Address of the cluster Select Port range and click on ok.

    nlb port rules port range

    31- After adding second IP Address, click ok.

    Now we’ve two IP addresses and different ports.

    network load balancing port rules

    Add Host To Cluster

    32- Right-click your cluster and choose Add Host To Cluster.

    network load balancing manager

    33- Type second node IP address (Server2012-2 – and click on connect.

    network load balancing connection status

    34- Select the Interface name NLB and click on next.

    network load balancing connection status

    35- Priority (Unique host identifier) select 2 and click on next.

    network load balancing host parameters

    36- Click Finish.

    network load balancing port rules
    network load balancing manager

    37- Both nodes are now joined to the NLB cluster and that we can build an NLB website.

    network load balancing manager

    For more details click Here

    Create a Failover Cluster in Windows Server 2012

  • Install Additional Active Directory Domain Controller in Server 2019

    Install Additional Active Directory Domain Controller in Server 2019

    In this blog, I will explain how to install an Additional Domain Controller (ADC) in Windows server 2019. An additional domain controller is a backup domain

    1- Click the Windows start button and choose the server manager.

    Windows server menu

    Install Additional Domain Controller

    2- Windows Server Manager, Dashboard, Under configure this local server and select Add roles and features.

    server manager

    3- Add roles and features wizard so, click on next.

    add roles and features

    4- Installation Type so, select Role based or feature-based installation and then click on next.

    roles and features installation type

    5- Select a server from the server pole and then click on ext.

    server selection

    6- Select the Active Directory Domain Services box.

    active directory domain services

    7- Select Add Features that are required for the Active Directory Domain Services.

    features for active directory domain controller

    8- After selecting the active directory features so, click next.

    server roles active directory domain controller

    9- Active directory add roles and features wizard and click on next button.

    add roles and features wizard features

    10- Now click Next.

    install active directory domain controller

    11- So, click the Install button to start out the active directory installation.

    active directory domain controller confirmation

    12- After active directory installation and click on Close.

    add roles and features wizard results

    Promote Domain Controller

    13- In Server Manager click warning message and then click on Promote this server to a website controller.

    server 2019 promote this server

    14- Select the deployment operation (Add a DC to an existing domain). then click the select button and browse to xpertstec.local, verify that credentials are Administrator and then click on next.

    install additional domain controller

    15- If you get this message Verification of replica failed so, please cancel the setup and then follow the below steps.

    Verification of replica failed error

    Update you’ll verify if the system uses the FRS using follow below steps

    SYSVOL migration from FRS to DFSR Click Here

    16- Return again open Server Manager click warning message and then click on Promote this server to a DC.

    post deployment configuration

    17- Deployment Configuration option So, Select Add a domain controller to an existing DC, and then click the select button and browse to xpertstec.local, verify that credentials are Administrator and then click on next.

    server 2019 deployment configuration

    18- Verify that the name System (DNS) server and Global Catalog (GC) are selected and sort the directory services restore mode DSRM Password and then click on next.

    domain controller options

    19- Ignore the DNS options warning and then click on next.

    active directory server wizard dns options

    20- Specify Additional replication Options interface, besides the Replicate from Select Server2008.xpertstec.local and then click on next.

    additional domain controller options

    21- Specify the situation of the AD DS database, log files, and SYSVOL folders and then click on next.

    database and log files paths

    22- Active directory 2019 preparation options and then click Next.

    server preparation options

    23- Review the choices interface so, verify all the knowledge and then click on next.

    additional domain controller review options

    24- On the prerequisites check to verify that each one prerequisites checks passed successfully and then click on Install.

    server prerequisites check

    25- Now please awaits jiffy for the method to finish and then click on Close.

    active directory 2019 configuration wizard result

    26- After restarting windows Server 2019 operating system and then log in as Domain Administrator.

    additional domain controller server login

    27- Then log in to your DC, open active directory users and computers, expand your domain.local (xpertstec.local) and then choose DC and here you’ll find the extra DC.

    active directory users and computers

    Watch this video on our YouTube Channel

    For more details click here

  • SYSVOL migration from FRS to DFSR step by step.

    SYSVOL migration from FRS to DFSR step by step.

    In this article, I will explain to you the SYSVOL migration share from File Replication Service (FRS) to Distributed File System Replication (DFSR).

    SYSVOL Migration

    1- Test that sysvol is shared and advertising:

    dcdiag /e /test:sysvolcheck /test:advertising

    sysvol migration

    2- Now we need to verify if the system uses the FRS using  dfsrmig /getglobalstate ,

    Log in to the domain controller as Domain admin or Enterprise Admin.
    So, open the prompt and then sort dfsrmig /getglobalstate.

    migration from frs to dfsr

    3- So, Prepared State

    Log in to your domain controller as Domain admin or Enterprise Admin
    and then open the command prompt

    Type dfsrmig /setglobalstate 1 and then hit enter

    Note: Migration will be start anytime between 15 min to 1 hour.

    sysvol dfsrming getglobalstate

    4- Type dfsrmig /getmigrationstate to verify that all domain controllers have migrated successfully to the worldwide state.

    frs using dfsrming getglobalstate

    5- So, Redirected State

    Log in to the domain controller as Domain admin or Enterprise Admin
    open command prompt
    Type dfsrmig /setglobalstate 2 and then hit enter

    sysvol prepared state

    6- Type dfsrmig /getmigrationstate to verify all domain controllers have migrated successfully to the worldwide state.

    dfsrming getglobalstate to confirm

    7- So, Eliminated State

    Log in to the domain controller as Domain admin or Enterprise Admin.

    Open prompt

    Now type dfsrmig /setglobalstate 3 and then hit enter

    redirected state

    8- Now type dfsrmig /getmigrationstate to verify all domain controllers have migrated successfully to the worldwide state.

    sysvol migrate to eliminate state

    9- This completes the migrate process and to verify the SYSVOL share and type net share command and then hit enter.

    net share

    10- Also confirm in each domain controller FRS service is stopped and disabled.

    file replication local services

    For more details click here

  • How to Setup Active Directory in Windows Server 2019.

    How to Setup Active Directory in Windows Server 2019.

    In this article, I am going to share how to setup and Configure an active directory in Windows Server domain controller using windows server 2019 standard.

    Requirements for Configuration of Active Directory.

    The administrator account features a strong password

    Static IP is configured

    Latest windows updates

    A firewall turned off

    Rename Computer (optional)

    1- Click the Search button and type Server Manager and then click on the Server Manager.

    search server manager

    2- From the Server Manager windows so, select Dashboard and under configure this local server select Add Roles and Features.

    server manager 2019

    3- So, click Next.

    add roles and features wizard

    4- Under Installation Type, Select Role-based or feature-based installation and then click on next.

    add role based or feature based

    5- Select a server from the server pool on which you would like to configure AD and then click on next.

    server 2019 server selection

    6- Now chose the Active Directory Domain Services box from the server roles page.

    server 2019 role active directory domain services

    7- A Windows will popup be showing additional required features so, click on Add Features.

    active director server 2019 add features

    8- After adding active directory features so, click next.

    server 2019 active directory server role

    9- Default settings and then click on next.

    server 2019 active directory features

    10- Review Active Directory Domain Services and then click on next.

    active directory domain services ad ds

    11- Review the confirmation of active directory configuration and then click on Install.

    active director server 2019 confirm installation

    12- Active directory 2019 setup completed and then click on close.

    active director server 2019 installation selections

    Configuring Active Directory.

    13- From Server Manager in Active Directory Configuration click on the notifications icon and then click on Promote this server to a website controller.

    server manager 2019

    14- Now under the deployment in Setting up Active Directory, operation select add a replacement forest under the basis name and then click on next.

    server 2019 deployment configuration

    15- Keep as forest and domain functional level Windows Server 2016 because of the default level.

    Keep the name System (DNS) server and Global Catalog (GC) checked and sort the active directory services restore mode (DSRM) password and then click on next.

    server 2019 active directory domain controller options

    16- Ignore warnings within the DNS options window during Configuration of Active Directory and click on next.

    active director domain server 2019 dns options

    17- within the additional options During the Setup Active Directory window, verify the NetBIOS name and click on next.

    server 2019 additional options

    18- Specify the situation of the AD DS database, log files, and SYSVOL folders and click on next.

    server 2019 ad ds database

    19- Within the review options window > review name, NetBIOS name, and Global catalog, etc. and click on next.

    server 2019 review options

    20- When all prerequisite has been successfully passed on Active Directory then click on Install.

    server 2019 prerequisites check

    21- When the installation completes, you’ll be prompted that your machine is successfully configured in Active Directory as a domain controller and can be rebooted automatically.

    server manager tools

    Watch our YouTube Video about how to setup Active Directory on Windows server 2019.

    For more details click here

    Install Additional Domain Controller Server 2019

  • How to change computer name in Windows Server 2019.

    How to change computer name in Windows Server 2019.

    In this guide, I will explain how to change the computer name in Windows Server 2019 by GUI. You can rename your windows computer from the instruction using WMIC Powershell. if you want to know how to install windows server 2019 click here

    To change the pc name using Server Manager

    1- Select the beginning button then click on the Server Manager

    server 2019 menu

    2- After opening Server Manager > on your left side select Local Server > under Properties and click on computer name.

    server manager 2019

    3- System Properties will open and click on change.

    change computer name server 2019

    4- Type-A name under the pc name and click on ok.

    computer domain name server 2019

    5- Click OK.

    change host name server 2019

    6- Click Close.

    change computer name system properties

    7- Click Restart Now.

    restart computer

    8- To rename the pc using Computer Properties, right-click on this PC and choose properties.

    windows server 2019 desktop

    9- Under Computer name, domain and workgroup settings and click on Change Settings.

    system properties

    10- PC System Properties window will open, click on the change button to rename Server name.

    change computer name server 2019

    11- Under Computer Name, type the server name and click on ok.

    computer domain name server 2019

    12- Click ok to restart PC.

    restart your computer

    13- Click Close.

    change computer name

    14- Click Restart Now.

    restart computer

    Change computer name from the command prompt

    15- Select Windows button, select Windows system, right click on command – prompt and then click Run as administrator.

    CMD run as administrator

    16- Type hostname command to know the current computer name


    17- You can rename your windows computer from WIN-MJFV43IQRP4 to SRV2019 we will use the below command.

    netdom renamecomputer WIN-MJFV43IQRP4 /newname:SRV2019 /reboot 0

    Press Y to reboot computer

    change computer name powershell

    18- After renaming successful you the computer is restarting.

    restart or shutdown message

    For more information click here

  • Installation of Windows Server 2019 Standard – Step by Step.

    Installation of Windows Server 2019 Standard – Step by Step.

    In this blog, I will go through the steps installation Windows Server 2019 on a physical PC, Windows Server 2019 was released date October 2, 2018.

    You can download Windows Server 2019 in ISO format from Microsoft Website, from Here

    System requirements

    Processor – 1.4 GHz 64-bit processor

    RAM – 512 MB

    Disk Space – 32 GB

    Network – Gigabit (10/100/1000baseT) Ethernet adapter

    Optical Storage – DVD drive (if you want to install the OS from DVD media)

    Video – Super VGA (1024 x 768) or higher (optional)

    Input Devices, Keyboard & mouse (optional) Internet – Broadband access (optional)

    How to Install Windows Server 2019.

    1- Insert the DVD or USB installation media, restart your PC and set boot option from computer bios to a DVD drive or USB.

    Press any key else from CD or DVD……..

    press any key to boot from cd or dvd

    2- Windows Server 2019 setup > select language to put in > Time and currency format > keyboard or input method and click on next.

    installation windows server 2019 language to install

    3- Click Install Now to start out the windows server 2019 installation.

    server 2019 setup install now

    4- Only two versions of the windows server 2019 are available, Standard and Datacenter

    Select the server version you would like to put in and click on next.

    server 2019 select operating system

    5- Select I accept the license terms and click on next.

    installation windows server 2019 license terms

    6- Upgrade option: > the previous version of windows server 2012 or 2016 to 2019. Select Custom option: Install Windows only (advanced)

    windows server 2019 custom install

    7- Select partition where you would like to put in Windows or Create partition click new select size click apply and click on next.

    where do you want to install windows

    8- Click OK.

    windows setup create additional partition

    9- Select the partition where you would like to put in Windows server 2019 and click on next.

    server 2019 setup create partition

    10- The windows setup takes some minutes to repeat all the specified files then installs the Windows Server 2019.

    installing windows status

    11- After restarting several times create a password for the administrator and click on Finish.

    windows server 2019 login screen

    12- Finally server is prepared to type your administrator password and press enter to login.

    server administrator login

    13- Windows Server 2019 Server Manager.

    2019 server manager

    For more information click Here