Clone a virtual machine VMware, A clone is a copy of an existing virtual machine. The existing virtual machine is called the parental of the clone. When the cloning process is complete, the clone is an individual virtual machine though it may share virtual disks with the parent virtual machine.
1- Login into your VMware vCenter client.
2- Review the summary or your virtual machine the one you want to clone.
3- Right click on your Virtual Machine, select Clone and then click Clone to Virtual Machine.
4- Type a name for the clone virtual machine and then click next.
5- Select the resource pool on which you wish to run the virtual machine, compatibility checks succeeded and then click next.
6- Select the datastore in which one you want to store the configuration, compatibility checks succeeded, virtual disk format select thin provision, check VM Storage Policy, and then click Next.
7- Select clone options and then click next.
8- Customize the guest Operating System to prevent conflicts when you deploy the virtual machine and then click Next.
9- Set up the virtual machine hardware, disconnect network adapter and then click next.
10- Review the virtual machine clone settings and then click finish.
11- Cloning virtual machine in progress.
12- Virtual machine successfully cloned.
13- Select the cloned virtual machine and then select power on icon.
14- When you power it on, the Windows server 2012 login successfully.
For more details how to clone a virtual machine please visit VMware