Verification of Prerequisites Domain Controller promotion Failed Windows Server


In this blog, I will solve active directory domain configuration error “Verification of prerequisites” for Domain Controller promotion failed…..

Verification of prerequisites

verification of prerequisites failed error

1- In the Server Manager dashboard and select the tools tab and then choose Computer Management.

server manager 2012

2- Under the Computer management expands Local Users and Groups. So select Users and right click on the administrator account and then select Set Password.

computer management users

3- So click on Proceed.

set password for administrator

4- Then type the administrator account password and click ok and ok.

local users and groups password

5- Now open the windows PowerShell

Type cd press enter

and then type net user administrator /passwordreq:yes and hit enter.

The command completed successfully.

net user administrator command

6- Now click on Rerun perquisites check.

rerun prerequisites check

7- All prerequisite checks passed successfully and click Install.

active directory prerequisites check

For more details click here


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