Step by step Install and Configure VMware ESXi 5.5.


In this blog, I am going to Install and Configure VMware ESXi 5.5

Install and Configure VMware ESXi 5.5

Ram 4GB.
Minimum of two cores.
1 Gigabit or More
Requires the NX/XD bit to be enabled for the CPU within the BIOS
1- Boot from USB or DVD and select Esxi-5.5.0-1331820-standard installer – Press Enter.

esxi 5.5 vmvisor boot menu

2- This screen detects all the hardware and then loads the drivers.

vmware esxi 5.5 installer loading

3- Press Enter to start the installation.

welcome to vmware installation

4- Press (F11) to Accept and continue.

vmware license agreement eula

5- Select the correct storage device to install ESXi on and then press Enter to continue.

vmware esxi select storage

6- Select the keyboard layout US Default and then press (Enter).

vmware language keyboard layout

7- Type a secure password for the root account and then Press (Enter).

vmware set root password

8- Press (F11) to start installing ESXi 5.5.

vmware esxi confirm install

9- This will take several minutes to complete.

installing esxi process screen

10- Installation completed press (Enter) to reboot the ESXi 5.5 server.

esxi 5.5 installation complete

11- Once the ESXi 5.5 server has booted, it will receive a DHCP (if applicable) you can now manage this with the vSphere client or continue to set a static IP for management (recommended) so Press F2.

Configure ESXi 5.5

vmware esxi 5.5 first boot

12- Type your root username, password and then press enter.

vmware esxi login

13- Select Configure management network.

esxi configure management network

14- Select the IP Configuration.

esxi network adapter selections

15- Change to Static IP

Enter your IP address, mask, gateway and then Press Enter.

vmware static address

16- Now select DNS Configuration.

vmware dns configuration

17- Enter your DNS information and then press (Enter) to OK.

esxi dns configuration entry

18- Now select Custom DNS Suffices and type your DNS name. then press (Enter) to OK.

esxi dns suffixes

19- Press ESC to get back to the main menu. You will be asked to Apply changes and restart the management networks? so Press (Y) to yes.

vmware root host

20- Now test your network. you ought to have created A records on your DNS server for your ESXi 5.5 servers.

vmware esxi launched

21- The initial configuration portion of your ESXi 5.5 host is now complete. For our final step, we are going to go to our browser and enter in the IP and press enter you will be presented with an unsafe connection and then click Go on to the webpage (not recommended)

internet explorer

22- Congratulations VMware vSphere Welcome.

vmware vsphere welcome

For more details click here

VMware vCenter 5.5 Installation and Configuration


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