Installing and Configuring target iSCSI server in Windows Server 2012.


Installing and Configuring target iSCSI server in Windows Server 2012

Installing and Configuring Target iSCSI Server 2012

1- Open Server Manager, click Dashboard and then select Add Roles and features.

server manager dashboard 2012

2- Click Next.

add roles and features wizard

3- Select the Role-based or feature-based installation and then click on the Next button.

add role based or feature based

4- Select a server from the server pool and then click on next.

server 2012 server selection

5- Select the iSCSI Target Server box.

roles iscsi target server 2012

6- Click Add Features.

add required features

7- After Selecting the iSCSI target server feature and then click next.

server 2012 roles iscsi target

8- Click Next.

server roles and features

9- Click Install.

server 2012 roles confirm installation

10- iSCSI services successfully installed, so click Close.

server 2012 installation selections

11- Open Server Manager and then click File and Storage Services.

server manager dashboard

12- Click iSCSI and under iSCSI Virtual Disks click Tasks and then click New iSCSI Virtual Disk.

file and storage services

13- Select a volume and click next.

iscsi virtual disk wizard

14- Type an iSCSI virtual disk name and click next.

iscsi virtual disk name

15- Select a Size for the disk in GB and click next.

iscsi virtual disk size

16- Select New iSCSI target and click next.

iscsi virtual disk wizard iscsi target

17- Target servers will identify the disk with this Name, so Type a Name, description and click next.

iscsi target name and access

18- Click Add we need to Add all the Servers which will be accessing this disk.

iscsi virtual access servers

Note: Make sure on the target server you have enabled the iSCSI initiator service.

19- Click the Browse button.

query initiator iscsi

20- Type a node server name, select check names and click ok.

enter the object name to select

21- Add all the server you want the disk to have access, I have added both the servers (Server-1 and Server-2) and click next.

iscsi virtual access server

22- Enable any authentication if you need and click next.

iscsi wizard authentication

23- Confirm the iSCSI virtual disk settings and click Create.

iscsi wizard confirmation

24- Virtual Disk created successfully, click Close.

iscsi target wizard results

25- Please follow the above steps from (1 to 24) to add one more disk name Quorum.

file and storage services iscsi target

For more details click here


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