How to Configure Network Load Balancing In Windows Server 2019.


High availability is one of the main key points to supply continued services. In lately, everyone wants the specified services on-demand. Organizations use different technologies and solutions to supply high availability and redundancy. Network Load Balancing (NLB) is one of the foremost popular high availability and redundancy features utilized in Windows Server 2019 based networks.

Setup Details.


IP Address:


NLB Node1

IP Address:


NLB Node2

IP Address:

NLB IP Address

Installing the Network Load Balancing Feature on NLB nodes (SRV2019-1, SRV2019-2)

1- Install using power shell command or follow the below steps to enable NLB.

Install-windowsfeature NLB,RSAT-NLB

enable network load balancing powershell command

2- IIS Web Server

Install-WindowsFeature -name Web-Server -IncludeManagementTools

enable network load balancing powershell command

Network Load Balancing Server 2019

3- On SRV2019-1 Open server manager and then select Add roles and features.

server manager 2019

4- Then click Next

add roles and features wizard

5- Click Next.

add role based or feature base

6- Select SRV2019-1 from the server pool and then click Next.

server 2019 server selection

7- Check the WEB Server (IIS) roles box.

server role web server iis

8- Click Add feature.

server 2019 add features

9- After selecting the Web Server (IIS) server role so click next.

server roles web server iis

10- Check the Network Load Balancing box.

enable network load balancing sever 2019

11- Click Add features.

add feature for the required server 2019

12- After selecting the Network Load Balancing feature so click next.

enable network load balancing server 2019

13- Click Next.

install iis sever 2019

14- Click Next.

enable iis server features

15- Click Install.

server 2019 confirm installation

Configuring Network Load Balancing in Windows Server 2019 After installing the Network Load Balancing feature on all the participating NLB nodes, the subsequent step is to configure Network Load Balancing. For this, you would like to perform the subsequent steps.

Create a New Cluster

16- On the Server Manager console of the SRV2019-1 NLB node, click Tools and then choose Network Load Balancing Manager.

windows server 2019 dashboard

17- Right-click Network Load Balancing Clustering and then choose New Cluster.

network load balancing manager

18- On the New Cluster: Connect panel, type SRV2019-1.xpertstec.local (or IP Address) in the Host field then click Connect. Verify that the Interface name is listed then click next.

creating network load balancing

19- On the New Cluster, set the priority (unique host identifier) value 1. This NLB node will reply to the clients’ queries, first, also ensure that the default status has set as Started and click next.

network load balancing host parameters

20- Click the Add button to add a new Cluster IP address.

create new cluster network load balancing

Note: The Cluster IP address is that the new virtual IP address on which the host service, during this case, IIS will run.

21- Type Cluster IP Address such as and click ok.

network load balancing ip address

22- Then click Next.

network load balancing cluster ip address

23- Select a cluster operation mode, Unicast and then click next.

network load balancing cluster parameters

24- So click Finish.

network load balancing port rule

25- Wait until the SRV2019-1 NLB node is added successfully. The Icon Color of the added NLB node should be green.

network load balancing manager

Network Load Balancing add the host to a cluster

26- Right-click on Cluster name and then select Add Host to Cluster.

network load balancing manager

27- Connect dialog box, type SRV2019-2, and then click Connect to add one more NLB node.

network load balancing connection status

Important: If you get the Host unreachable error while connecting SRV2019-2 as the NLB node, move on to SRV2019-2 and open the Network Load Balancing Manager console. Repeat the same steps as you used to add the DC1 NLB node.

28- On the Add Host to Cluster: Host Parameters dialog box, set the priority value as 2 and proceed to next.

network load balancing host parameters

29- Click Finish.

network load balancing port rules

30- Finally, verify that the second NLB node SRV2019-1 is added successfully.

network load balancing manager

Configuring Default Website to Test the NLB Configuration

To test the NLB cluster, use an NLB-Aware application like the IIS service role with the Cluster IP address. Hence, we’ll use the Default Website on NLB node1 (SRV2019-1) and NLB node2 (SRV2019-2). the web site is going to be mapped with the cluster IP address “”. To do so, first, you would like to perform the subsequent steps on SRV2019-1 (NLB node1).

31-Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager console.

Expand the Sites node, select and right-click the Default internet site.

Select Add the Virtual Directory

iis web server manager

32- In the Alias box, type a name. In the Physical path box, type \SRV2019-1C$Intetpubwwwroot and click ok.

web server add virtual directory

We need to add the same shared directory on both the NLB nodes so the same content can be displayed when an NLB node from the configured NLB cluster is failed.

33- Double-click Directory Browsing.

iis manager

34- Click Enable.

iis manager directory browsing

35- Right-click Default Web Site, select Manage Website and then select Restart.

iis manager manage website restart

36- Close the web Information Services (IIS) Manager window.

Repeat the same steps to activate the Default Website on SRV2019-2 NLB node.

iis manager add virtual directory

Optionally, if you would like to access the web site through the hostname like www.xpertstec.local, add the www DNS host record with the ten .0.0.100 IP address.

Verifying Network Load Balancing Configuration

To verify that your NLB Cluster is configured successfully and functioning properly, perform the subsequent steps.

37- Type within the Internet Explorer and verify that you simply are ready to access the Default Webs

iis windows server welcome

Close Internet Explorer. On the SRV2019-1 node.

38- open the Network Load Balancing Manager window, select and right-click SRV2019-1(Ethernet), select Control Host and then select Stop to stop this node temporarily.

network load balance manager

39- Switch back to SRV2019-DC and try again to open the Default Website. the Default Website should still be displayed. However, this time, the SRV2019-2 NLB node will serve the Website.

iis windows server welcome

For more details click here


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