In this blog, you will learn different ways to uninstall or remove Laragon in Windows 7/8/10 system. follow the below steps.
Uninstall or Remove Laragon From Windows 7/8/10
There are three ways to remove and uninstall laragon localhost WordPress in the windows 7/8/10 system.
Let’s start with how to remove uninstall laragon from windows 7/8/10
1- Open run command |(press windows key+R), type and then select ok.
2- Select Laragon and then select uninstall button.
3- Laragon uninstall, So click yes.
4- Laragon uninstall status.
5- Laragon successfully removed from your computer click ok.
UsinApps & features
1- In the windows search bar type Apps & features and then select to open it.
2- Scroll down select laragon and then click twice on uninstall.
3- Laragon successfully removed click ok.
Uninstall Laragon from programs
1- Select Windows button, select Laragon and then select Uninstall.
2- Click Yes to remove laragon.
3- Click Ok.
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