Category: Openfiler

Openfiler is an operating system that provides file-based network-attached storage and block-based storage area network.

  • Clone Partition and Volume in AOMEI Backupper Step by Step

    Clone Partition and Volume in AOMEI Backupper Step by Step

    Clone Partition and Volume in AOMEI

    In this article, I will show you how to clone partition or volume in AOMEI. I am going to clone a Windows computer partition.

    1- Open AOMEI Backupper, select the Clone option, and then select Partition Clone.

    aomei backupper partition clone

    2- Choose the source partition or volume you want to clone and then click next.

    aomei backupper clone source partition

    3- Choose a destination partition to save the source partition, and then click next.

    aomei backupper clone destination partition

    4- Warning! The destination partition or volume will be formatted & all of the existing data will be overwritten or deleted and click ok.

    aomei backupper perform operation

    5- Click the Start Clone button and wait for the process to complete. A partition clone can take time depending on the size of the source partition.

    aomei backupper operation summary

    6- Congratulation Message

    aomei backupper congratulation

    7- Click the Finish button.

    aomei backupper clone finish

    For more information please visit UBACKUP

  • How to Connect iSCSI Storage VMware vCenter 7  (Openfiler).

    How to Connect iSCSI Storage VMware vCenter 7 (Openfiler).

    Connect iSCSI Storage vCenter 7, In this blog, I will explain how to connect Openfiler iSCSI Storage to VMware vCenter 7.

    How to install Openfiler. Click Install Openfiler

    How to Configure Openfiler as iSCSI shared storage. Configure Openfiler

    Connect Openfiler iSCSI Storage VMware vSphere

    1- Open browser, type your vCenter fully qualified name or IP Address, type username and password and then click on login.

    vmware vsphere login

    2- After login to your vCenter Server, so under home tab click Hosts and Clusters.

    vcenter server web client

    VMware vCenter 7

    3- Click on ESXi host, Select Configure tab, under Networking, select virtual switches and then click on Add Networking.

    vsphere web client configure

    4- Select the VMkernel Network Adapter and then click Next.

    vcenter 7 add virtual switch

    5- Select new standard switch and click next.

    vcenter 7 select target device

    6- Click the + sign to assign network adapter.

    vcenter 7 assign adapter

    7- Select Network adapters and click ok.

    vcenter 7 add physical adapter

    8- I have selected one adapter (you can select multiple adapters) click next.

    vcenter 7 create standard switch

    9- Type a Network name and click next.

    vcenter 7 vmkernel network label

    10- Select use static IPv4 setting and type the IP address, subnet mask and click next.

    vcenter 7 network ipv4 settings

    11- Review the settings and click the finish button to complete the switch configuration.

    vcenter 7 vswitch ready to complete

    12- Now vSwitch1 has been created successfully.

    vcenter 7 virtual switch

    Connect Openfiler iSCSI Storage

    13- Under Storage, Click on Storage Adapters, Click on + Add Software Adapter to enable software iSCSI adapter.

    vcenter 7 storage adapter

    14- Click the ok button.

    add software iscsi adapter

    15- Select iSCSI software adapter, under dynamic discovery, click the + add the button to add storage target iSCSI server.

    vcenter 7 storage adapter target

    16- Type the IP address of your iSCSI server and then click ok.

    vcenter 7 add iscsi server

    17- Select the rescan storage tab.

    vcenter 7 storage adapter

    18- Click ok.

    vcenter 7 rescan storage

    19- Click the + Add button under Network Port Blinding to select Network Adapter.

    vcenter 7 storage adapter

    20- Select the VMkernel network adapter and then click OK.

    vmkernel network adapter

    21- Click on rescan storage tab to see configuration changes.

    vcenter 7 rescan storage

    22- Click ok.

    vcenter 7 rescan storage

    23- Select storage devices under storage to see 2 devices shown.

    vcenter 7 storage devices

    24- Select ESXi Host, storage adapter, Action menu, click storage and then click new Datastore.

    vcenter 7 datastores

    25- Select the datastore type and click next.

    vcenter 7 new datastore type

    26- Type datastore name, select one of openfiler iSCSI disk and then click next.

    name and device selection

    27- Select VMFS version and click next.

    vcenter 7 vmfs version

    28- Select datastore size and click next.

    vcenter 7 partition configuration

    29- Review the new datastore configuration and click finish to complete the process.

    vcenter 7 new datastore ready

    30- Datastore LUN has been added successfully.

    vcenter 7 datastores

    For more details click here

  • How to Connect Openfiler to VMware ESXi as NFS storage.

    How to Connect Openfiler to VMware ESXi as NFS storage.

    In this blog, I will exhibit you how to connect Openfiler NFS Storage shares and ultimate the usage of VMware vSphere Web Client to create NFS Datastores. How to configure Openfiler NFS Storage

    Connect Openfiler NFS Storage

    1- Open the VMware vSphere client type your ESX host IP Address, username, password and click on Login.

    vsphere client login

    2- Select the Configuration tab > under hardware select Storage and click on Add Storage.

    esxi storage

    3- Select NFS (Network File System) and click next.

    esxi select nfs storage type

    4- Type IP address of Openfiler Server, NFS folder path, name for Datastore and click on next.

    esxi network file system

    5- Click Finish.

    esxi openfiler nfs storage summary

    6- As you can see NFS Datastore created.

    esxi storage

    For more details click here

  • How to configure OpenFiler NFS Storage for ESXi shared storage.

    How to configure OpenFiler NFS Storage for ESXi shared storage.

    In this guide, I will explain how to Configure Openfiler NFS Storage, first, we need to install an openfiler to configure NFS Storage.

    Configure OpenFiler NFS Storage

    1- To configure openfiler NFS storage, open internet explorer enters Openfiler URL, type username, and password and click on Log in.

    Username: openfiler

    Password: password

    openfiler log in

    2- Select Volumes > select Block Devices under the volume section and click on Disk which you want to Configure NFS Storage.

    openfiler volume

    3- Under Partition Type select Physical Volume > select volume size and click create.

    create volume openfiler

    4- Select Volume > click on Volume Groups under the volume section.

    Type a name for NFS and checkbox select physical volume to Add option and click on ADD Volume Group.

    add volume group

    5- Select the Services menu and click enable and start NFS Server service.

    openfiler nfs service

    6- Select Volumes menu, select Add volume under volume sections, under select volume group, select NFSand click change,

    add volume openfiler

    7- Now type a name for volume (NFS, Volume description, required Space MB and Volume type as XFS and click Create.

    create nfs folume openfiler

    8- Select the Shares menu and click on NFS Datastore.

    share nfs volume openfiler

    9- Type a name for subfolder and click on Create Sub-folder.

    nfs create sub folder openfiler

    10- Click on NFS-Datastore and click on Make Share.

    nfs make share openfiler

    11- Under share access control mode, choose Public guest access and click Update.

    share access control mode openfiler

    12- Under host access configuration, Set the permissions as Read-Write and click on update.

    In the Options select no_root_squash and click Update.

    access configuration nfs

    13- Below you see the path for NFS.

    nfs share openfiler

    For more details click here

  • How to connect Openfiler to VMware ESXi as iSCSI storage.

    How to connect Openfiler to VMware ESXi as iSCSI storage.

    Connect OpenFiler iSCSI Storage, Openfiler to connect to ESXi Host as shared storage, to run some VMs

    Connect Openfiler iSCSI Storage

    1- Open up the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Client (VIC). Select the ESXi server that you want to add the iSCSI storage too. Select the Configurations tab under the hardware menu, so select Storage Adapters and then click on Add.

    add iscsi storage adapter

    2- Add Storage Adapter so, click ok.

    add iscsi storage adapter

    3- Rescane iSCSI adapter, so click ok.

    new iscsi adapter

    4- Now you can see an iSCSI software adapter has been created, click on it and then select properties.

    connect iscsi storage esxi 5.5

    5- In the iSCSI software adapter properties, select the Dynamic Discovery tab and then select the Add button.

    iscsi dynamic discovery openfiler

    6- Enter the IP address of our OpenFiler server/SAN in the iSCSI Server option (my openfiler server IP address is, and then click ok. (So it will take a few seconds), to detect the iSCSI Server/SAN.

    add send target server

    7- Click Close.

    iscsi initiator properties

    8- To rescan iSCSI adapter and then click ok.

    rescan iscsi adapter

    9- Now select the Configuration tab and select Storage and select Add Storage.

    esxi as iscsi storage

    10- Under the storage tab select Disk/LUN and click on next.

    esxi select storage type

    11- Select Openfiler iSCSI Disk and click next.

    esxi select disk lun

    12- Under file system version select VMFS-5 and click next.

    esxi file system version

    13- Current disk layout click next.

    esxi current disk layout

    14- Enter a database name and click next.

    esxi iscsi storage properties

    15- Here you can choose Capacity (Maximum available space or Custom space settings) and click next.

    esxi disk lun capacity

    16- Review the disk layout and click Finish to add storage.

    esxi disk lun summary ready

    17- Now openfiler iSCSI disk created successfully.

    esxi storage

    For more information click here

  • How to configure Openfiler iSCSI Storage for VMware ESX.

    How to configure Openfiler iSCSI Storage for VMware ESX.

    Configure Openfiler iSCSI Storage. Openfiler provides an easy thanks to deploying and manage networked storage. Installing Openfiler leads to a strong networked storage solution that exports your data via a full suite of industry-standard storage networking protocols.

    Configure Openfiler iSCSI Storage

    1- Open web browser and type https://openfiler IP Address:446/ press Enter Type username and password and click Log in.

    Default Username – openfiler

    Default Password – password

    openfiler log in

    2- After the login screen will appear which can show summary information of Openfiler.

    openfiler status

    3- Select Services tab > enable NFS Server, iSCSi target services and click on start.

    openfiler iscsi services enable

    4- Select system tab > select network setup to Verify network configuration settings.

    configure openfiler network setup

    5- In Network tab select Network Access Configuration and add a name, network/host and netmask and click update. I have added a subnet for Now hosts in this subnet will be able to access this shared storage.

    configure openfiler network share

    6- Select the Volumes tab and Click Block Devices under Volumes sections and select /dev/sdb SCSI.

    Refresh the console once you have added additional disks in the appliance. You will be able to see that disks here in the Block Device section. In the below case, I have added an additional drive. Now you can use this disk to allocate datastores on ESXi hosts as shared storage.

    create partition openfiler

    7- Under Create a Partition, fill the required information and click on Create. It will create the volume on disk /dev/sdb as per the below image.

    openfiler iscsi storage create partition

    8- After creating volume.

    physical volume openfiler iscsi storage

    Configure Volume Group for iSCSI Volumes to use as Shared Storage in ESXi.

    Earlier you created Physical Volumes using disks. Now you have to create Volume Groups using these volumes.

    9- Select Volume Groups under volumes Selection to create groups > Type Volume Group Name for iSCSI volumes > Select Physical Volume group to add which you want to use for this group. (/dev/sdc1) and click Add Volume Group.

    openfiler add volume group

    Add Volume for iSCSI.

    10- Select the Volumes tab and click add Volume.

    add volume openfiler

    11- Select Volumes Group for iSCSi, click on Change.

    openfiler select volume group

    Create a Volume section. Type a volume name, volume description required Space (MB).

    12- Select Filesystem / Volume type as block(iSCSI,FC,etc) to use this volume as iSCSI target. Click Create to proceed.

    add volume name openfiler

    13- The below Volume information, we have created Volume’s name is iscsi-v01.

    Repeat the same steps to create more iSCSI volumes as per your requirement.

    openfiler volume group

    Configure iSCSI Target in Openfiler.

    14- Select Volumes Tab and under volume section select iSCSI Targets.

    Select the Target Configuration. You will see Target IQN number, Click Add to make this as new iSCSI Target.

    openfiler add new iscsi targets

    15- Select volume. select Network ACL tab and under access allow access to subnet you added for ESXi hosts. Click on Update, and it’s ready for access now. You are just a few clicks away before it can be used in ESXi.

    openfiler iscsi target allow

    For more details click here

  • How to install openfiler in VMware Workstation for shared storage.

    How to install openfiler in VMware Workstation for shared storage.

    Install Openfiler is an OS that gives file-based network-attached storage and block-based cargo area network, Openfiler may be a good choice to line up a storage appliance to supply shared storage with NFS or iSCSI.

    To installing openfiler attend download latest openfiler software from Here download

    Creating a virtual machine.

    1- Launch VMware Workstation click Create a replacement Virtual Machine.

    vmware workstation create vm

    2- Select the option of the virtual machine you would like to create and click on next.

    Note: Custom – this provides you a choice to create a virtual machine and choose its hardware compatibility. you’ll choose between Workstation 15.x, Workstation 14.x, and etc.

    vmware workstation custom wizard

    3- Select Hardware compatibility and click next.

    vmware workstation hardware compatibility

    4- Select your guest operating system (OS) You can install the OS using,

    Installer disc image file (ISO) I am selecting .iso and Click on Browse and select the operating system you want to install and click Next.

    vmware workstation select installer disk

    5- Select a Guest operation system and click next.

    vmware workstation operating system

    6- Type a virtual machine name and specify a location for virtual machine files to be saved or leave it as default settings and click next.

    setting up a new virtual machine

    7- Select the number of processors and click next.

    vmware workstation processor configuration

    8- Select the number of Memory for this virtual machine and click next.

    virtual machine memory workstation

    9- Select Network Type and click Next.

    vmware workstation vm network connection

    10- Click next.

    vmware workstation scsi controller

    11- Click Next.

    vmware workstation create virtual disk

    12- Select Create a new virtual disk option and click next.

    new virtual machine disk

    13- Specify disk capacity of the virtual machine’s disk size

    Select store the virtual disk as a single file or split the virtual disk into multiple files and click next.

    specify disk capacity

    14- Click Next.

    specify disk file

    15- Click finish.

    ready to create new virtual machine

    16- Click on Power on this virtual machine.

    vmware workstation virtual machine

    Install Openfiler

    17- Boot the virtual machine with the installation ISO and  Press Enter to start the installation.

    openfiler setup

    18- Click next.

    install openfiler

    19- Select languages and click next.

    openfiler language

    20- Would you like to initialize this disk, erasing all data click Yes.

    openfiler initialize disk

    21- Click next.

    openfiler storage configuration

    22- Click yes.

    openfiler storage partition

    23- By default network, your network adapter  will be configured for DHCP, recommenced to  set that for manual and type your hostname and other settings

    Under network devices click Edit.

    openfiler network device

    24- Enable IPv4 > type IP Address and Netmask and click ok.

    openfiler network settings

    25- Type Gateway > Primary DNS and click next.

    openfiler dns settings

    26- Select your time zone and click next.

    openfiler time zone

    27- Type Root password > Confirm password and click next.

    openfiler root password

    28- Click next to start the installation.

    openfiler configuration summary

    29- Default running process.

    openfiler installation

    30- Installation completed and click reboot.

    openfiler installed successfully

    31- After rebooting.

    openfiler vm

    32-you can access web administration GUI console from the browser.

    Default username openfiler

    Default password password

    openfiler log in