DllRegisterServer failed error code 0x80040201 schmmgmt.dll

DllRegisterServer failed

In this guide, we will fix DllRegisterServer failed error code 0x80040201 schmmgmt.dll. While migrating Active Directory getting this error the module “schmmgmt.dll” loaded but the call to DllRegisterServer failed with error code 0x80040201.

I am getting this error while Upgrading Active Directory

DllRegisterServer failed error code 0x80040201

When struggling to register the Active Directory Schema Snap-in (also known as the Schema MMC console or Schema Console) using Windows. Windows Server. We may have to apply the command from a dos command prompt. Otherwise, you will have the following error after applying the registration command regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll

We are getting that error message because User Account Control on the computer may be limiting your competencies to register the Active Directory Schema Snap-in. Even when we logged on with a user account that is a member of the Schema Admins group. Note that it isn’t necessary to log in or start an elevated command prompt using an account that belongs to the Schema Admins group.

To open a command prompt, click on the Windows Start button from the toolbar, and type Command Prompt. Then, you right-click Command Prompt and then click Run as administrator.

Type regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll and then press enter

Regsvr32 schmmgmt.dll command

Once the Schema Management dll is registered (schmmgmt.dll) you will get a successfully registered message.

DllRegisterServer in schmmgmt.dll succeeded

Now you can go back to console root, select the file, and add or remove snap-ins.

Then you will find an active directory schema.

Add or remove snap-ins

FOr more details please Microsoft


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