How to Upgrade Kaspersky Security Center from a previous version

Upgrade Kaspersky Security Center

Let’s have a look at how to upgrade Kaspersky Security Center from an older version. We can install version 13.2 of Administration Server on a server that has an earlier version of Administration Server installed. When we upgrade KSC to v 13, all settings and data from the previous version of the Administration Server are preserved.

To upgrade an older version of Administration Server to version 13

Download the Kaspersky Security Center .exe file for version 13 from the Kaspersky website.

Download Kaspersky Security Center

Open your download folder and then double-click on the KSC exec file to start the upgrading process.

Kaspersky Setup

A new window will open you to select Kaspersky applications to install.

Kaspersky Security Center 13.2

Welcome to Install Kaspersky Security Center 13 Administration Server. Click next

Welcome Kaspersky security center

Accept the Kaspersky License Agreement and Privacy Policy. Click next.

Kaspersky end user license agreement

I am upgrading Administration Server and web console, you can choose as per your requirement and then click next.

Upgrade Kaspersky administrator server

Upgrading Kaspersky Security Center will prompt you to create a backup copy of the Administration Server data. Click next

Kaspersky administrator server backup

Create Kaspersky Security Center Database Backup

If you would like to create a manually backup then you can the klbackup utility tool. Click next

Kaspersky Welcome to backup

Select the destination folder where you want to save a backup copy and then click Next.

Kaspersky backup and restore settings

I am taking backup without password, click yes.

Kaspersky perform backup without password

Backing up Kaspersky Security center.

Kaspersky backup and restore

Select the start button to start upgrading Kaspersky Security Center.

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Upgrade Kaspersky security center

Install Kaspersky Security Center version 13, following the Setup.

Install Kaspersky security center 13

A window will pop up that the Kaspersky Security Center 13 Web Console Wizard click next.

Welcome to Kaspersky web console

Accept the KSC license agreement and then click Next.

Kaspersky license agreement

Click next

Kaspersky destination folder

Enter your Kaspersky server IP Address, test port, and then click Next.

Kaspersky IP connection settings

Account settings click next

Kaspersky use account settings

Kaspersky client certificate clicks next.

Kaspersky trusted administrator server

Trusted administration servers, click next.

Kaspersky trusted administrator server

Identity and access manager, click next.

Kaspersky identity and access manager

Click the install button to start the Kaspersky web console.

Install Kaspersky web console

Installing Kaspersky web console.

Installing Kaspersky web console

Successfully installed Kaspersky Security center web console. Click finish

Kaspersky web console installed

After completion Kaspersky upgrading task, open the Kaspersky security center.

Kaspersky security center 13.2

When upgrading Kaspersky Security Center from an older version, all the installed management plug-ins are not uninstalled. We can configure KSC policies and tasks corresponding to the managed plug-ins.

Administration Server quick start wizard, click next.

Kaspersky quick start wizard

Click next

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Select the application activation method.

Kaspersky application activation methods

Enter the Kaspersky activation key and then click Next.

Kaspersky application activation

Activating Kaspersky security center.

Kaspersky additional component

Click next

Kaspersky additional component

Select Kaspersky plug-in language and then click Next.

Select Kaspersky plug-in language and then click next.

Start downloading Kaspersky Plug-ins.

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Select Kaspersky plug-in language.

Accept the license agreement.

Kaspersky downloading installation plugin

Select accept all.

Kaspersky common license agreement

After upgrading Kaspersky plug-ins, click next.

Downloading Kaspersky installation plugin

Accept the Kaspersky security center network agent license agreement and then click Next.

Kaspersky server quick start wizard

Click finish.

kaspersky quick start completed successfully

Kaspersky policies and tasks batch conversion, click next.

Kaspersky policies and batch wizard

Click finish.

Kaspersky quick setup wizard installed

Click Ok.

kasperksy security center plugins

Related: How to Create Policy in Kaspersky Security Center.


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