How to Install WordPress in Windows Laragon

install wordpress in windows laragon

In this blog, I will show you how to install WordPress in Windows with laragon. The laragon setup of a local development environmental under Windows is described using Laragon.

With Laragon a local software stack consisting of the following server components is installed:
Apache Web Server

Install WordPress in Windows Laragon

Download and install Laragon

Download the latest release from the Laragon light from their website.

1- For Windows 10 (64-bit): download Laragan light.

download laragon lite

2- Double click on laragon-wamp.exe file to run the installation.

windows folder laragon

3- Select the language and then click ok.

install laragon select language

4- Welcome to the laragon setup wizard, click next.

welcome to laragon setup

5- Select destination folder you can specify where Laragon should be installed (I am using d drive you can choose even default). Click next.

setup laragon destination location

6- In the setup Laragon window, some configuration settings can already be specified, click next.

laragon setup auto start

7- Select the Install button to start the laragon wordpress installation.

laragon setup is ready now

8- Laragon localhost wordpress installation in progress.

laragon installation in progress

9- Successfully installed laragon, keep the checkbox select run laragon and then click finish.

completing the laragon setup

10- Laragon Lite window, select start all.

laragon lite

At this stage, the Windows Defender Firewall (or another system firewall) will almost certainly report and prompt both the Apache HTTP Server and the MySQL server to allow access to the local network. These 2 accesses should be granted for the further operation of the web and database server.
When the servers are allowed to access the corresponding ports successfully, Laragon must show the two services Apache and MySQL as started.

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Maybe you will get an error message service apache can not start. Reason;
11- Select Web menu.

laragon lite dashboard

12- WordPress Localhost screen.

laragon getting started

How to change rename Laragon

13- Go to the Laragon installed directory, open www, and then open index.php in notepad.

windows explorer paragon directory

14- Scroll down and you can find “Laraton”.


15- Change it to your project name (TestSite).

notepad php file

16- Refresh your web browser.

browser localhost laragon

17- Select the settings icon.


18- Select down arrow key next to Databases; you can see default databases.

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laragon session manager

19- How to create database in Laragon, select Terminal menu.

laragon menu

20- Type mysql –uroot –p and hit enter
Hit enter again without typing any password.

laragon terminal

21- Type show databases; to view the databases.
Type create database TestDB; and hit enter
Type show databases; now you can see a new database (testdb).

laragon terminal show database

How to create new project in Laragon

22- Right-click with your mouse from System Tray and then select Quick Create.
Select your platform (WordPress).

laragon quick app

23- Type your project a name. This name will be the name of the folder and your localhost domain. For example, if we call the new project TestSite, domain will be http://TestSite.test. Click ok.

laragon quick app project name

24- Wait Laragon start creating project.

laragon quick app downloading

25- Successfully created database (TestSite). Click close

laragon quick app extracted

26- Laragon will launch WordPress in web browser.
Or type (testsite.test) and hit enter.
Select your language and then hit continue.

wordpress setup laragon

27- Enter database info.
Site title – TestSite
Username – Admin (you can choose any one)
Type a strong or copy the default one in notepad.
Type your email and then select install WordPress.

laragon install wordpress

28- Select log in.

laragon wordpress login

29- Type username (Admin), password and then press log in.

wordpress login laragon

30- WordPress Dashboard.

localhost wordpress dashboard

Related: How to install bitnami wordpress

How to uninstall Laragon


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