How to Configure Directory Services in AWS

configure directory services in AWS

In this article, I will show you how to configure directory services in AWS. AWS Directory Service improvement several ways to use Microsoft Active Directory (AD) with other AWS services. Directories stock information about groups, users, and devices, and administrators use them to handle access to information and resources. AWS Directory Service provides several directory choices for customers who need to use existing Microsoft AD or Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) aware applications in the cloud. AWS also offers those equal options to developers who want a directory to manage devices, users, groups, and access.

Configure Directory Services in AWS

For more details please visit AWS

Create EC2 Instance in AWS

1- Log in to the AWS account and then go to the AWS Services tab at the top left corner. Click on EC2 under compute.

aws services tab

2- Choose instance on the left side and then select Launch Instance button.

aws instance launch

3- Choose the default Amazon (64 bit) AMI.

choose amazon machine image

4- Choose the type of instance.
Click Next : Configure Instance details

aws choose an instance type

5- Instance Details

Type Number of instances – 1
Network – default.
Subnets – default.
Auto-assign Public IP – default
Click on Next : Add Storage.

aws configure instance details

6- Volume size – default 30Gb.
Click Next : Add Tags.
Click on Next : Configure Security Groups

aws add storage

7- Configure Security Group.
Security group name – AD Security
Select Protocols – RDP, All traffic, Source type Anywhere
Click on Review and Launch

aws configure security group

8- Click launch.

aws review instance launch

9- Select – Create a new key pair
Key pair name – active directory key
Choose download key pair and then save it in your secured folder
After downloading key pair click launch instance.

aws download key pair

10- After instance is up and running, you can see its status as running
Select instance (DC-Server) and then click connect.

aws launch instance connect

11- Click on get password.

aws connect to your instance

12- Click choose file button.
Select your key pair (active directory key) and then click ok.
Click Decrypt password.

aws decrypt password

13- Copy password and then select download remote desktop file.

aws download remote desktop file

14- Open notepad and paste your password in notepad.


15- Open remote desktop key and then click connect.
Paste password and then click ok.

remote desktop windows

16- EC2 Instance (AD-Server desktop).

aws instance desktop

How to change administrator account password in EC2 Instance in AWS

1- Open control panel and select User Accounts.

control panel

2- Select Administrator local account.

control panel manage account

3- Click on change the password.

control panel change an account

4- Copy your EC2 instance password then one we have saved in notepad.


5- Paste here, type new password, confirm password and click change password
Save new password in notepad.

control panel change password

How to change computer name in EC2 Instance in AWS

1- Open server manager, select local server and then computer name.

server manager

2- Click on change.

system properties computer name

3- Type computer name and then click ok.

change name domain change

4- Click ok

change name/domain change restart

5- Select restart now.

microsoft windows restart now

6- After restarting, connect EC2 instance (DC-Server) again and now you can use your new password to connect.

remote desktop windows windows security

How to install Active Directory in AWS Instance

1- From Server Manager Dashboard, Select Manage and Select Add Roles and Features.

server manager

2- Click Next.

add role and feature wizard

3- Select Role-based …….. installation and then Click Next.

add role installation type

4- Select a server from the server pool on which you want to configure active directory and then Click Next.

add role select destination server

5- Select Active Directory Domain Services from server roles page.

add role select server roles

6- A Windows will popup showing additional required features, Click Add Features.

add feature that are required

7- Click Next.

add role select server roles

8- Click Next.

add role select features

9- Click Next.

add role wizard ad ds

11- Review the installation and then Click Install.

add role confirm installation selection

12- Installation completed, Click Close.

add role installation progress

How to Configuring Active Directory.

1- From Server Manager Click on Notifications, click Promote this server to a domain controller.

server manager

2- Under the deployment operation Select Add a new forest enters Root domain name (xpertstec.local) and then Click Next.

ad deployment configuration

3- Keep Domain Name System (DNS) server and Global Catalog (GC) checked and then type the directory services restore mode (DSRM) password, Click Next.

ad domain controller options

4- Ignore warnings “DNS options” window and Click Next.

active directory wizard dns options

5- In additional options window, verify the NetBIOS domain name and Click Next.

active directory additional options

6- Specify the location of the AD DS database, log files, and SYSVOL folders and Click Next.

specify the location of ad ds

7- Review options window and then click Next.

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active directory review your selection

8- When all prerequisite have been successfully passed and Click Install.

active directory prerequisites checks

9- You will be prompted that your machine successfully configured as a domain controller and will be rebooted automatically.

you are about to be signed out

How to Change DNS IP in EC2 Instance in AWS

1- Launch control panel and then choose network and sharing center.

control panel

2- Click on Ethernet

network and sharing center

3- Select properties.

ethernet status

4- Choose internet protocol version 4 and then choose properties.

ethernet properties

5- Type your EC2 Instance private IP Address under preferred DNS server and click ok twice.

internet protocol (tcpip) properties

Add Reverse Lookup Zone in Windows Server 2019 NDS step by step

1- In window server search bar type DNS and select it.

window server search bar

2- Expand you DNS server (DC2019)
Right-click on reverse lookup zone option and then select New Zone.

dns manager

3- Click Next.

new zone wizard

4- Select primary zone and click Next.

new zone wizard primary

5- Click Next.

active directory zone replication scope

6- Select IPv4 Reverse Lookup Zone and click next.

ipv4 reverse lookup zone

7- Enter Network ID
Here we need to enter our EC2 Instance private IP address and click next.

reverse lookup zone name

8- Click next

new zone dynamic update

9- Click finish.

completing the new zone

10- Reverse lookup zone successful created.

dns manager

11- Open command prompt and then type nslookup.

command prompt

Creating new Users with Active Directory Users and Computer

1- Launch Server Manager choose tools and then choose Active Directory Users and Computers.
Or type Active directory users and computers in search bar and then select it

windows server search bar

2- Expand your domain
Right-click on Users, choose New, and then User from the menu.

active directory users and computers

3- In the New Object – User dialog, type a First name, Last name, User logon name and then click Next.

new object user

4- Type and confirm a password, then click Next.

buy zoloft online no prescription pharmacy
new object user password

5- Click Finish.

new object user finish

6- Please follow the above step from 2 to 6 to create a second user
And type user users name and password in notepad


How to Create Directory Services

How to Allow AWS IAM users Access to Billing Dashboard

1- Select your account name and then select My Billing Dashboard

aws management console

2- IAM user and allow Billing access to billing information click on Edit.

aws iam user and role access

3- Select checkbox active IAM access and then click on Update.

aws activate iam access

How to Create an IAM Role AWS Amazon

How to Create Application Access URL

1- In the AWS management console select Directory Service.

aws management console history

2- In the Directories page, select your directory ID.

aws active directory id

3- Directory details page, select the Application management tab.
Application access URL section, select on the Create button.

aws directory application access url

4- Enter a URL name (your domain controller example – xpertstec) and then select Create.

aws create application access url

5- Next to AWS Management Console select Enable.

aws management console enable

6- Now you can seed Delegate console access, click on billinguser under IAM role.

aws delegate console access

How to Assign Users or Groups to an Existing IAM role

1- Selected role page, under Manage users and groups for this role click on Add.

aws manage users and group for this role

2- Add users and groups to the role page, under Select Active Directory Forest, choose your active directory (example: xpertstec.local) whichever contains where the accounts that need access to the AWS Management Console. Under Specify which users or groups to add, select find by user and then type the name of the user. In the list select the user you want to add. Select Add to finish.

aws add users and group to the role

3- Assigned the users to the role.

aws manage users for this role

4- Select 2nd role (ec2access) under IAM role.

aws delegate console access

5- Select Add.

aws manage users and group for this role

6- Select your active directory, search name, select it and then click Add.

aws add users and group to the role

7- Assigned the 2nd user to the role.

aws manage users for this role

Configure Directory Services in AWS – Testing.

1- Open directory service click on directory ID.

aws active directory id

2- Application access URL, under access URO ( copy this.

aws application access url

3- Open web browser and paste it bar with /console (example: and press enter.
Type username, password and click sign in.

internet browser aws apps url

4- Click services tab and then click on EC2.

aws management console

5- Now you can see this user is unable to create EC2 instance because he doesn’t have permission, The user has only billing permission.

aws launch instance

6- Sign out this user.

aws management console-

7- Sign in with 2nd user (saleem).

internet browser aws apps url

8- Select EC2.

aws management console

9- This user have full control.

aws launch instance


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