Internal Load Balancer in Microsoft Azure

lnternal load balancer in azure

In the article, we will be seeing the concept of how to create an internal load balancer in Microsoft Azure in between two VM which are hosted in the same network. The reason behind the creation of a load balancer in the VM is to handle the huge number of requests which are given to a virtual machine when it becomes difficult for the VM to handle these.

1- Create Virtual Network (VNet)
2- Create Virtual Machine
3- Internal load balancer
4- Test load balancing

Once we create two different virtual machines in the same virtual network, proceed to create and configure the load balancer with its set of rules.

Internal Load Balancer in Microsoft Azure

Azure internal load balancer is used to manage & divert the requests from the clients to different virtual machines (VMs) which are discovered in the same network. When a virtual machine receives many requests from the client, there will be some conjunction happening in the VM. To control this conjunction, we can make use of the internal load balancer conception where the requests from the users will be reciprocally shared in between the two different virtual machines which are configured in the VNet. The appeal will be shared in between the VMs position on the configuration set by us when we design a load balancer.

Create virtual networks

1- Log in to the Azure portal

On the Azure portal, select Azure menu bar and then select Virtual Network.

azure menu

2- Click on create virtual network.

azure create virtual network

3- Select your subscriptions, to create a resource group then click on create new.

azure create virtual network

4- Type a recourse group name (rg-loadbalancer) and then click ok.

azure create new resource group

5- Instance details type a virtual network name (myvnet) select regions (east US) and then click Next : IP Address >.

azure create virtual network

6- IP Addresses tab, enter for the IPv4 Address Space field. Click the + Add subnet button below.

azure create virtual network ip address

7- Add subnet wizard; enter a Subnet Name (mysubnet) and type for Subnet Address range and then click Add.

azure vnet add subnet

8- Select Review + Create.

azure create virtual network ip address

9- Select Create.

azure create virtual network validation

10- Virtual network successfully created.

azure create network virtual

Create Virtual Machines

Create a VM in the virtual network so that we can communicate between them.

1st VM

1- Azure portal menu tab and then choose Virtual machines.

microsoft azure menu

2- Select the + Add button to create virtual machine.

azure virtual machine

3- Resource group select (rg-loadbalancer).

azure new vm wizard

4- Instance details

Enter a virtual machine name (myvm1)
Region select (East US)
Availability options select Availability set.
Availability set select to create new.
Type a name (myavailabilityset) and then click ok.

azure vm create availability set

5- Image select Windows Server 2019 Datacenter. You can choose a different operating system, but the remaining steps assume you selected Windows Server 2019 Datacenter.

azure instance details

6- Administrator account

Enter a username (jamil), Password.
Public inbound ports choose to allow selected ports.
Select inbound ports (HTTP, HTTPS, RDP)
Click Next : Disks > and then click Next + Management >

azure new vm wizard

7- Choose boot diagnostics (off) and then click Review + create.

azure new vm management

8- Select create.

azure create vm review + create

Create the second VM

Complete steps 2-8 again, with the following changes.

Resource grouprg-loadbalancer
Virtual machine namemyvm2
Region(US) West US
Availability optionsAvailability set
Availability setmyavailabilityset
ImageWindows Server 2019 Datacenter
Administrator accountusername password
Public inbound portallow selected ports
Select inbound portsHTTP, HTTPS, RDP
Managementboot diagnostics off

Create the third VM

Complete steps 2-8 again, with the following changes.

Resource grouprg-loadbalancer
Virtual machine namemyvmtest
Region(US) West US
Availability optionsAvailability set
Availability setmyavailabilityset
ImageWindows Server 2019 Datacenter
Administrator accountusername password
Public inbound portallow selected ports
Select inbound portsHTTP, HTTPS, RDP
Managementboot diagnostics off

The VMs take a few minutes to complete. Now the VMs (myvm1, myvm2, myvmtest) successfully created.

azure virtual machine

Now we need to install Web Server IIS roles on VMs (myvm1, myvm2).

How to Install Web Server IIS.

Creating the load balancer

The next step after creating three different VMs in the same VNET is creating a new load balancer.

1- Select Azure menu bat and then select Load Balancers.

microsoft azure menu

2- Select the + Add button to create load balancer.

azure create load balancer

3- Select resource group (rg-loadbalancer).

azure create load balancer

4- Project details

Enter the name of Load Balancer (webserverlb)
Region (East US)
Type Internal and SKU Basic.
Virtual network (myvnet)
IP address assignment (dynamic)
Select Review + create >.

azure create load balancer

5- Click on Create.

azure create load balancer validation

6- Now you can see load balancer successfully created, select your load balancers.

azure create load balancer validation

Backend Pools

1- Now click on Backend Pools and then click on + Add.

azure load balancer backend pool

2- Add backend pool wizard, Type a name
Virtual network (rg-loadbalancer)
Associate to select virtual machines and then click the add button under a virtual machine.

azure add backend pool

3- Add virtual machine to backend pool wizard; Select the VMs (myvm1, myvm2) and then click add.
The third VM (myvmtest) is for testing Internet load balancing.

azure add vm to backend pool

4- After selecting the virtual machine, then click on Add.

azure add vm to backend pool

5- So the backend pool has been configured successfully. Then inside Load Balancer, select Health Probes.

internal load balancer

Health Probe

1- Click on + Add.

azure health probe

2- Enter a name to the Health Probe.
Protocol (HTTP)
The interval shows that it is going to make a probe attempt at 5-second intervals. And the unhealthy threshold shows that after 2 failed probe attempts, it is going to declare it as an unhealthy server.
Click ok.

azure add health probe

3- Health probe successfully created, click on Load Balancing Rules.

azure load balancer health probe

Load Balancing Rules

1- Click on + Add button

azure load balancing rule

2- Add load balancing rule wizard, enter a name
The IP version is IPv4
Select frontend IP Address
Protocol is TCP, port number is 80
Backend port 80, backend pool is the one that we have just created & the health probe is the one that we have just created.
By default Session persistence is none & idle timeout is 4 minutes. Floating IP disabled. Click on OK.

azure add load balancing rule

Test Internal Load Balancer in Microsoft Azure

1- Click on load balancer (webserverlb)

azure load balancers

2- In the Load Balancer, I have my Private IP address. Copy it and then paste it in the explorer address bar using the third VM (myvmtest).

azure load balancer overview

3- On the first hit, it has taken me to myvm1 server.

internet explorer

4- Wait for 4 minutes then hit enter again, it is take you to myvm2 server.

test azure load balancer


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