Add Additional Hard Disk VM Using vSphere Web Client

Add additional hard disk VM

Add additional hard disk VM, In this article, I will add a virtual hard disk to an existing virtual machine, or you can add a hard disk when you customize the VM hardware during the virtual machine creation process. When we add the hard disk to a virtual machine, you can create a new virtual disk, add an existing virtual disk, or add a mapped SAN LUN.

Add additional hard disk VM (Virtual Machine).

1- Login to your VMware vSphere Client, In the vSphere Client inventory, right-click the virtual machine the one you want to add an additional hard disk and then select Edit Settings.

virtual machine edit settings

2- Click the Virtual Hardware, click Add New Device, and then click Hard Disk under Disks, Drives, and Storage.

virtual machine virtual hardware

3- After selecting hard disk, Now you can see new hard disk has been added.

virtual machine virtual hardware

4- Select a location to store the disk.

Save with the virtual machine or specify a datastore. If you selected to identify a datastore, browse for the datastore location.

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5- Select a datastore where you want to store and then click OK.

vmware datastore

6- Thick Provision creates a virtual disk in a default thick format.

The Thick Provision Eager Zeroed creates a type of thick virtual disk that supports clustering features such as Fault Tolerance.

Thin Provision creates a disk in a thin format. Select this format to save storage space.

Disk provision selects Thin Provision.

virtual machine virtual hardware

7- Click ok.

virtual machine virtual hardware

8- Log in to your virtual machine, open Server Manager, select Tools, and click Computer Management.

server manager

9- Under Computer Management select Disk Management.

computer management

10- Right click Disk 1 and click Online.

disk management

11- Now Right-click Disk 1 and select Initialize Disk.

disk management

12- Click OK.

initialize disk

13- Right click Unallocated volume and click New Simple Volume.

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disk management

14- Welcome to new simple volume wizard, then click Next.

simple volume wizard

15- Select volume size and click next.

simple volume wizard size

16- Assign a drive letter and click next.

simple volume wizard letter

17- Format Partition, Click next.

simple volume wizard partition

18- New volume successfully created, click finish.

simple volume wizard

19- Open my computer and you can see a new volume.

my computer

For more details visit VMware


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