How to Convert Physical Machine to Hyper-V (MVMC)

Convert Physical Machine to Hyper-V

Convert Physical Machine to Hyper-V

In this article, I will show you how to use Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter v3.1 is developed by Microsoft & is used to convert the entire physical computer, VMware VMs including all the disks to a Hyper-V VM.

Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 3.1

Download the (MVMC) Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter 3.1 utility here

1- Double click to run mvmc_setup file to start the installation

windows explorer

2- Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter Setup, click next.

virtual machine converter wizard

3- Accept license agreement and then click next.

microsoft vm converter end user license

4- MVMC setup select destination folder and then click next.

ready to install mvmc

5- MVMC setup click install

ready to install mvmc

6- MVMC setup click finish.

ready to install mvmc

7- Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter wizard click next.

microsoft vm converter wizard

8- There are two types of virtual machine conversation, I am going to convert a physical machine and then select Physical machine conversion. Click Next.

microsoft vm converter wizard type

9- Select a physical machine for conversion (type fully qualified domain name or an IP address, computer name) and type credentials (with admin rights) to access that machine. Click Next.

microsoft vm converter wizard source

10- Validating the physical machine credentials

microsoft vm converter source validating

11- We can scan system information for the temporary installation of a small agent on the source machine. Click the Scan System button.

microsoft vm converter system information

System Information

12- MVMC wizard system information then clicks next.

microsoft vm converter scan system

13- Select volumes to include in the conversion. Two volumes are on disk in this example. The first (350 MB) volume (System reserved) was created by default during Windows installation & is used for booting the operating system. Don’t forget to select this volume. You can also select the type of VHD. Click Next to continue.

mvmc volume configuration

14- Set the VM Configuration, type a unique name, the number of processors, and the number of memory for the new VM. Then click Next.

mvmc vm configuration

15- Under address, select a Hyper-V host as the destination for the virtual machine. Type the credentials of an admin account in order to access a Hyper-V server and then click next to continue.

mvmc hyper v host

16- Specify the network path to store the converted (virtual machine) virtual disks. I am going to store the virtual disks on Hyper-v Cluster Storage click next.

mvmc specify a disk

17- Choose a temporary location on the machine where the VM converter is running. We can select the same directory as we have specified in the last step for storing virtual disk files. After completing the conversion, these temporary files will be deleted. Click next.

mvmc workspace

18- Please don’t forget to shut down the source physical machine (or disconnect from the network) before starting a destination virtual machine to prevent network conflicts. Click Next.

mvmc network configuration

19- Review the summary you have specified and then click Finish to start conversion.

mvmc review summary

20- Virtual Machine conversion running.

mvmc completion

21- Successfully converted

mvmc completion

22- When the conversion process is complete, your VM will be present in the Hyper-V Manager. Right-click on VM and then click connect.

hyper-v manager

23- Click start

virtual machine connection

24- Virtual Machine

virtual machine connection

Read more: How to Convert VMware Virtual Machine to Hyper-V.


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