How to Convert VMDK to VHDX with StarWind V2V Converter

convert vmdk to vhdx

Convert VMDK to VHDX

In this article, I am going to convert a VMware virtual machine (VMDK) TO VHDX Hyper-V using StarWind v2v convert. After attempt Hyper-V, I was interested in the interface, and with the software that comes with Microsoft; the use between the host and the VM does not require VMware Tools like using on VMware Workstation. Software that helps converts from VMDK to VHDX too, which Microsoft also has (Microsoft Virtual Machine Converter).

Download the StarWind “V2V Converter” setup file from the StarWind

starwind v2v converter download

2- After downloading StarWind V2V Converter, double click on the starwindconverter.exe file to start the installation.

windows explorer

3- Please Read and accept the License StarWind Agreement and then click on the next button to continue.

starwind v2v converter license

4- Click on the Browse button to select the installation path and then click on next to continue.

setup starwind v2v destination location

5- Choose the Start Menu folder and click on next to continue.

setup starwind v2v star menu

6- Select the additional task’s checkbox to create a desktop shortcut and click on next to continue.

setup starwind v2v additional

7- Review the specified settings or select the > back button to make any changes. Click the Install button to continue.

setup starwind v2v install

8- Click on Finish to close the wizard.

setup starwind v2v installed

Convert VMDK to VHDX

9- Start StarWind V2V Converter, select Local file option, and then click Next.

starwind v2v converter p2v

10- Select the … button.

starwind v2v source image

11- Select the virtual machine VMDK image file and click open.

windows explorer

12- Specify the Source image File (VMDK) and then click Next.

starwind v2v source image

13- Select Local file option and click next.

starwind v2v converter location

14- Select Microsoft virtual hard disk (VHD / VHDX) and click next.

starwind v2v destination image

15- Select a VHDX grow able image and then click next.

starwind v2v vhd vhdx

16- Specify the Destination File (VHDX) I am saving it in the same source folder and click next.

starwind v2v destination file

17- Please wait for the program to finish converting.

starwind v2v converting in progress

18- VMDK to VMDX successfully converted click Finish.

starwind v2v successfully convert

19- Now you can see the virtual machine.

windows explorer

Please read more: How to Convert VHD to VHDX with Hyper-V Manager.


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