How to Capture a Managed Image Azure Portal

capture a managed image azure

Capture a managed image azure in this article I will show you how to Capture a virtual machine (VM) and Create a new VM from that Image with Managed Disk.

A managed image resource possible created from a generalized virtual machine (VM) that is stored as either a managed disk or an unmanaged disk in a storage account. The captured image can be used to create multiple VMs.

Capture Managed Image in Azure steps-

Sysprep Virtual Machine
Capture Virtual Machine
Create a virtual machine from image
Sysprep Virtual Machine steps click here

Capture Virtual Machine

1- Login to the Azure Portal and then select virtual machine.

azure portal

2- Select the VM you want to capture image.

azure portal virtual machine

3- VM’s Details pane click on Capture

azure portal virtual machine

4- Type a name to your new Managed Image and select an existing Resource Group. Please select to delete this VM after creating the image is created or leave it to delete later.
Type the virtual machine name and then click create.

azure portal capture vm

5- Now you can see in the notification successfully created image.

azure successfully created image

6- Click on virtual machine.

azure virtual machine connect

7- Select the virtual machine and then click on delete.

azure virtual machine delete

8- Click yes under confirm delete and click the delete button.

azure delete resources confirm

9- VM successfully deleted.

azure portal notifications

10- In the Azure portal, go to the all resource.

azure all resources

11- Click on newly captured image.

azure all resources image

12- Choose + Create VM

azure image create vm

13- Select resource group, type VM name if you would like to change the VM size then click select size.

azure create a virtual machine

14- Choose a VM size and then click OK.

azure virtual machine select vm size

15- Type administrator account username, password, select inbound port RDP and then click review + create.

azure create virtual machine

16- Virtual machine validation passed review the details and then click create

azure create vm validation

17- Click on go to resource.

azure go to resource

18- Select connect and then the RDP.

azure vm connect

19- Click on download RDP file.

azure download rdp

20- Remote desktop connection click connect.

remote desktop connection publisher

21- Enter your credentials and then click OK.

remote desktop connection

22- Click Yes.

remote desktop connection certificate

23- Now you can see windows server 2019 successfully login.

windows server desktop


2 responses to “How to Capture a Managed Image Azure Portal”

  1. ปั้มไลค์ Avatar

    Like!! Thank you for publishing this awesome article.

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