In this article, we will guide you on how to change Google Chrome icon. This week, I was searching for some blog post ideas and began to think about the Google Chrome icon. It is always in front of me, and numerous others use this browser too. If you have read some of my blogs in the past, I prefer to customize things when I can. I decided to see if I could change the Google Chrome icon to something different. Perhaps even to something more enjoyable than the usual icon. Before I jump into this article, read the other articles I have written.
Since you possess all this knowledge, it is time to learn something new.
Change Google Chrome Icon
This will be shown on my Windows 11 computer.
You are searching for the Windows Search box. My screen is at the bottom of my screen. In this search box, type Chrome. You should see the Google Chrome app appear under Best Match.
Right-click on the Google Chrome app. A menu will appear, and you must scroll down to the Open file location options.

This window displays the Google Chrome app icon. It would help if you right-clicked on this.
Before, the menu will display many options. Look at the bottom for properties and click on them.

The Google Chrome Properties window will open. If you haven’t already, click on the Shortcut tab. On this tab, you will see the Change Icon button at the bottom of the page. Click on it.

The Change Icon window will appear, where you can choose a different Icon. If you don’t like any of them, you can download a new one (ico file). I went online and purchased one so I could use it on my computer. Click the Browse button at the top.
File Explorer will display, and you will need to locate the folder where your new icon (.ico file) will reside. Alternatively, you can simply copy and paste the link below to find your .ico file.
Chrome Installed Directory Path
Once that happens, you can see the icon you are choosing and click ok.

The last thing to do is press the Apply button. So know that your Google Chrome icon has changed.
You may receive this Access Denied window, but all you need to do is click the Continue button and the ok button. You could need to turn off your Chrome browser and then turn it back on.

If you notice that the Shortcut icon on your desktop has not changed, all you need to do is right-click on it. Then start at the above step and follow the steps from there. Since you understand how this works, it is time to share your training with others.